Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Germanium Ion Ball Amazing Effect of Bracelet Ingredients.

[A. Far Infrared Rays]

1) Warming Effect

Far Infrared Rays helps to maintain body temperature.

And it make inside of body warmer than skin.

So, fatigue of muscle will be greatly reduced if you keep materials (such as ceramic necklace and bracelet) on your body which emit Far Infrared Rays.

2) Healing Effect

As Far Infrared Rays ease pains and makes epithelium of skin, the period of medical treatment is shorten and there is hardly any scar left on the wounded skin.

3) Blood Circulation Effect

By helping blood circulation, nutrition can be supplied to the end organs of body.

This operation will make human body balanced.

4) Dryness and Wetness Effect

Far Infrared Rays will maintain appropriate moisture in human body which is one of the most important factors for physical body condition.

5) Neutralization Effect

Far Infrared Rays affect metabolism and expedite excretion.

By vigorous sweating (perspiration), Far Infrared rays help to expedite exception of accumulated body waste, toxic heavy metal, agricultural chemicals, harmful food colors and surplus fat.

Especially saline which cause adult diseases will be reduced.

Also, it has skin care effect.

[B. Negative Ion]

1) General Effects

- Muscle power up

- Blood circulation enhance

- Upgrade the power of concentration

- Very helpful for students, researchers and businessmen

2) Skin Related Effects

- Skin care effect

- Skin whitening effect

- Skin moisture effect

- Anti bacteria effect

- Anti aging effect

3) Healing Effects

- Relieves pain of hands.

- Reduces shoulders and lower back pain

- Help to be relaxed

- Reduces stress.

- Removes fatigue

- Organizes electricity flow of human body well

- Purifies human body

Benefits of Negative Ions

"Negative ions increase the flow of oxygen to the brain; resulting in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy," says Pierce J. Howard, PhD, author of The Owners Manual for the Brain: Everyday Applications from Mind Brain Research and director of research at the Center for Applied Cognitive Sciences in Charlotte, N.C.
"They also may protect against germs in the air, resulting in decreased irritation due to inhaling various particles that make you sneeze, cough, or have a throat irritation.
And for a whopping one in three of us who are sensitive to their effects, negative ions can make us feel like we are walking on air. You are one of them if you feel instantly refreshed the moment you open a window and breathe in fresh, humid air.
You may be one of them if you feel sleepy when you are around an air-conditioner, but feel immediately refreshed and invigorated when you step outside or roll down the car window," Howard says. "Air conditioning depletes the atmosphere of negative ions, but an ion generator re-releases the ions that air conditioners remove."

Negative ions are created in nature with air molecules broken apart from sunlight, radiation, and moving air or water. In
"The action of the pounding surf creates negative air ions and we also see it immediately after spring thunderstorms when people report lightened moods," says ion researcher Michael Terman, PhD, of Columbia University in New York.
In a study conducted by Columbia University, 25 people with SAD (Seasonal Affective Depression) sat in front of a negative ion air purifier for a half hour every morning for a month. Half the subjects were given a low level of negative ions, and the other half a high level. The higher level of negative ion treatment proved to be as effective against SAD as antidepressants, such as Prozac and Zolof, and without the side effects of these drugs.
Negative ions are odorless tasteless molecules that are breathed into our respiratory system. High concentrations of negative ions can be found in nature in mountain forests, waterfalls, and beaches where people feel energized and invigorated, which helps relieve stress, alleviate depression, boost energy.

Studies Proving the Effectiveness of Negative Ions

Negative ions help prevent respiratory-related illnesses.
In a study conducted in a Swiss textile mill, negative ionizers were placed in two, 60' by 60' rooms, each containing 22 employees. In one room, the negative ion electronic air cleaner was turned on during the course of the study. In the other room, the negative ion air purifier was permanently turned off, although the employees in this room were led to believe they were working in a room enriched by negative ions. During this six-month study, a total of 22 sick days were lost by employees working in the room in which the negative ionizer was operating. In the room where the machine was not operating, a total of 64 days were lost to sickness. During a month-long flu epidemic, the first group lost a total of 3 days to sickness, while the second group lost a total of 40 days to sickness (Stark, 1971).

In a test involving a Swiss bank office, one group of 309 worked in a negative ion-treated environment. A second group of 362 worked in an untreated environment. Over the next several months, for every day lost to respiratory illness (cold, flu, laryngitis, etc.) in group one, 16 days were lost to respiratory illness in group two (Soyka, 1991).

In a Surrey University study at the Norwich Union Insurance Group headquarters, eight negative ion generators were placed in the computer and data preparation section. Before the test, the research team spent a month compiling incident rates for complaints of sickness and headaches. During the test in which the negative ion air purification systems were in operation, incidents of sickness and headaches were reduced by 78%. After testing was completed, the Norwich Union opted to keep the negative ion electronic air cleaners (Soyka, 1991).

Negative ions counteract the effects of smoking.
High levels of negative ions neutralize the effect that tobacco smoke has on the cilia. Cilia are the microscopic hairs located in the trachea that move rapidly back and forth to prevent pollutants and toxins from traveling into the vulnerable areas of the respiratory tract. The faster the cilia move, the more effective they are. However, tobacco smoke slows down the ciliary beat, diminishing the body's ability to keep cancer-causing pollutants from entering the depths of the respiratory tract. Tests have shown though, that adding high levels of negative ions to the air accelerates the ciliary beat to normal levels (Soyka, 1991).

Negative ions are a natural anti-depressant.
. . . and without the side effects!
In a study conducted by Columbia University, 25 people with SAD (Seasonal Affective Depression) sat in front of a negative ion air purifier for a half hour every morning for a month. Half the subjects were given a low level of negative ions, and the other half a high level. The higher level of negative ion treatment proved to be as effective against SAD as antidepressants, such as Prozac and Zolof, and without the side effects of these drugs (Finley, 1996).

Negative ions for a positive attitude
Positive ions, which are found in abundance in most indoor environments, cause an overproduction of serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps the body deal with mental, emotional, and physiological stress. An overproduction initially causes hyperactivity, which rapidly leads to anxiety, and in some cases depression. Negative ion treatment has proven to be successful in reducing the overproduction of serotonin, and therefore successful in alleviating depression in some cases (Kreuger, 1957).

Negative Ions help us to sleep better.
In 1969, French researcher found that the overproduction of the neurohormone serotonin caused sleeplessness and nightmares. In using a negative ion electronic air cleaner to treat a group of people experiencing sleeping problems as a result of serotonin overproduction, he found that most of them were able to sleep better (Soyka, 1991).

U.S. Dept. of Agriculture
A recent study by the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture found that ionizing a room led to 52% less dust in the air, and 95% less bacteria in the air (since many of the pollutants found in the air reside on floating dust particles).

The U.S.D.A. also performed another study to test the effectiveness of negative ionization at removing airborne Salmonella Enteritidis. The negative ions drastically reduced the airborne salmonella particles, prompting the following statement from the USDA:

"These results indicate that negative air ionization can have a significant impact on the airborne microbial load in a poultry house and at least a portion of this effect is through direct killing of the organisms."

Good Housekeeping Magazine
In March of 1999, Good Housekeeping Magazine had its engineers test an ionizer by using a smoke test, and found that it cleared out the smoke in a tank.

Agriculture Research Service (of USDA)
The Agriculture Research Service of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture tested the effectiveness of ionizers for removing dust in a poultry hatchery. The dust level is very high in such an environment. In this study, the use of an ionizer resulted in dust removal efficiencies that averaged between 81.1 and 92.2%. The airborne transmission of salmonella (to the eggs) was also significantly reduced as a result.

Journal of Hygiene
Scientists showed that ionization reduced bacterial levels in burns and plastic surgery units by over 96% after a two week period, which results in much better and more rapid healing of patients.

Journal of Applied Microbiology
The use of negative ions was even found by scientists to reduce the presence of airborne viruses by about 40%. A study featured in the 1987 issue also showed the negative ions are free from any adverse side effects.

A 1976 study featured in this publication provided evidence that negative ions can have a biologically lethal effect on airborne microorganisms.

Journal of Hygiene
A 1979 study found that using negative ionization in the air protected chickens from airborne infection of the deadly Newcastle Disease Virus.

Journal of Food Protection
A 2001 study found that airborne negative ionization was highly effective at destroying airborne and surface salmonella.

University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Romania)
A test on male rats showed that just moderate levels of negative ions increased the resistance of the rats, reducing or eliminating the effect of some chemicals.
(Summary of Study)

Effect of Negative Ions on Drivers
A study by Toyota Central R & D Labs, Inc. found that negative ions can improve fatigue and cognition of drivers. (Copy of study - PDF File

Negative Charged Ions are Effective in Treating Cancer
(Cited from High-Voltage Treatment published by Youth Publishing)
In 1950, Dr. Haskell applied Negatively Charged Ions to patients of Hypertension. Amazingly, Negative Ions were proven to have a positive effect in lowering one's blood pressure, while no beneficial effects were observed with Positive Ions. Negative Ions are also effective against influenza, asthma and especially bronchial disease. Another study done by the University of Frankfurt involved a "Cancer Team" in order to further study the physical effects of Negative Ions to cancer cells. Different types of cancer cells were transfused into the bodies of mice. In order to have a base of comparison, one group of mice were put into a negative ion environment each day while the other group remained untouched. As a result, the mice in the negative ion environment lived, on average, for 59 days, while the mice that were untreated lived no longer than 34 days. The mice from the experimental team lived 25 days longer; some even lived as long as 80 days! The experiment's result confirm the effectiveness of Negative Ions in treating cancer.

"Negative Air Ions Stimulate Mitochondria" Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow Region, Russia.

Other Negative Ion Benefits
Asthma, Allergies, and other Respiratory Problems and Illnesses. Many scientific studies have been conducted over the years (mostly in Europe and Russia) showing how exposure to high levels of negative ions drastically or significantly reduce asthma and allergy symptoms, as well as respiratory-related illness.
Studies have also shown a link between negative ion treatment and benefits for the following:
Migraine Headaches
Inhaling negative ions regulates the production of serotonin inside the brain. The overproduction of serotonin inside the brain is the cause of migraine headaches.
A study at Columbia University suggested that negative ion treatment is more effective than anti-depressant drugs such as Prozac and Zolof, and there are no side effects with negative ions.
The overproduction of serotonin (chemical produced inside the brain) also causes fatigue, and negative ions regulate the production of serotonin inside the brain.
A study in France found that negative ionizers helped people to sleep better, by regulating the production of the chemical serotonin in the brain.
Mental Performance and Concentration
Several tests have shown people exposed to negative ion treatment perform much better in mentally-oriented activities than those who are not.
Physical Performance
Due to test results performed by Russian scientists, negative ionizers were always installed in the locker rooms and resting places for the Russian athletes.
Studies performed in one hospital found that burn patients were far more likely to recover more quickly and thoroughly.

Effects of Negative Ions

Benefits of Negative Ions
How Negative Ions Purify the Air
Negative ions help prevent respiratory-related illnesses
Negative ions counteract the effects of smoking
Negative ions are a natural anti-depressant
Negative Ions help us to sleep better
Air Purifiers using Negative Ions
Researchers believe that through control of the electrical charges in the air
we breathe, our moods, energy level, and health can be markedly improved!

Today, our modern homes and offices seal out negative ions. Computer terminals, fluorescent lighting, forced air ventilation systems, and modern building materials generate an over abundance of positive ions. Positive ions make us feel tired, depressed and irritable.

Balancing the ionization in your home may help to combat the ill feelings associated with our stressful lifestyles. The worlds most tranquil and refreshing regions are loaded with billions of negative ions. Air near waterfalls, mountains, beaches and forests are among those places where ionization levels are in complete and natural balance.

After a lightning storm, most of us feel invigorated and refreshed. This is because the electrical storm has generated trillions of gloriously tranquilizing negative ions that ease tension and leave us full of energy. Note that ozone and negative ions are different things. Negative Ions and Ozone; Is Ozone Safe?

Scientific studies have shown that atmospheres charged with negative ions relieve hay-fever and asthma symptoms, seasonal depression, fatigue and headaches. It's also been shown that negatively ionized atmospheres improve performance of voluntary movement, increase work capacity, sharpen mental functioning, and reduce error rates.

Studies at Columbia University and the New York State Psychiatric Institute have demonstrated that High Density Negative Ionizers appear to act as a specific antidepressant for patients with seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

Remarkable as it may seem, a room charged with negative ions was shown to stem bacteria growth and precipitate many airborne contaminants including pollen, dust and dust mites, viruses, second-hand cigarette smoke, animal dander, odors and toxic chemical fumes.

It is well known that consuming more alkaline foods, i.e. fruits and vegetables, is beneficial to human health. An acidic PH balance of the body, on the other hand, makes the body weak and susceptible to sickness. Acidification of the blood, which is caused by the loss of electrons, can be prevented by Negative Electric Ions which contains an abundant amount of electrons improving the body's immunity and resistance to illnesses. This is the reason Negative Electric Ions products are becoming more and more popular nowadays.

Metabolism, which is the process of acquiring nutrients from the blood and excreting waste out of the body, is extremely important to the human cells. The more Negatively Charged Electric Ions there are in the blood, the more efficient the cell's metabolism process.

On the contrary, the more Positively Charged Ions there are in the blood, the slower and less efficient the cell's metabolism. This causes the body's cells to become weak and the body will tend to get sick more easily and aged faster.

An experiment was conducted on electric ions and the permeability of the cell membrane. In the experiment, skin was used to exemplify the cell membrane. When positively charged ions were permeated into the surface of the skin, its pores and sweat glands began to contract. However, when Negative Electric Ions were permeated into the surface of the skin, its pores and sweat glands expanded, which demonstrates good metabolism of the cell membranes. This is phenomenon is called Prototype Plasma Membranes of Dermal Reflectivity. Dr. Arudoman of Germany also conducted a research regarding the influence of ions to the human body. He proposed the following hypothesis - Negatively Charged Ions are beneficial to the human body in four major ways: It helps to strengthen the functions of autonomic nerves, reinforces collagen (tissues that are resilient and tension-related), improves the permeability of the cell's prototype plasma membranes (improves metabolism), and strengthens the body's immune system.

The human body is surrounded by ions; therefore, the function of electrons inside and outside the cells has significant influence on the human body. It makes the body strong if good ions are taken. When the amount of Negative Electric Ions contained one c.c. of air inhaled reached 5,000 to 50,000, it strengthens the body's resistance and immunity; and when the amount of Negative Electric Ions contained in one c.c. of air reached 100,000 to 500,000, it relieves illnesses. Negatively Charged Electric Ions in our body are essential in sustaining and improving our health. Whereas 85% of the Negative Electric Ions are absorbed from our skin, only 15% is inhaled and absorbed through our lungs. (quoted from page 56 of Negatively Charged electric Ion Treatment, issued by Youth Publishing)

Titanium T01 Bracelet

There are many germanium, tourmaline and/or titanium accessories on the market today which all claim to generate therapeutic effects on the human body. Minerals, such as germanium and tourmaline, do generate negative ions naturally. However, there quantities are very limited in number due to their large particle size and result in very little therapeutic effect on the human body.

Titanium has also been promoted as having similar therapeutic benefits. However, titanium by itself is unable to produce any of the therapeutic effects that many companies claim. In the United States it is illegal to claim a product has therapeutic benefits without independent scientific proof.

The ability for germanium and tourmaline products to possess therapeutic benefits lie in the quantity and quality of the negative ions they generate. Many independent scientists and health practitioners around the world have proved negative ions do possess therapeutic benefits.

However, there are a series of different techniques used to create negative ions, and only those generated through natural catalytic reactions are safe to use on human being.
Product Application

Muscle Pain:
Long working hours, high concentration and poor sitting postures cause neck and back pain. Wearing a “Vital-ion” necklace helps relax cramped muscles and thus reduces aching pain.

Blood Circulation:
Cold hands and feet before sleep are a result of poor blood circulation. Wearing a “Vital-ion” bracelet can effectively enhance blood flow. This will increase body temperature and in particular reduce discomfort in your hands and feet.

When sitting upright and inactive for a long period of time the central blood vessels in your legs can be compressed, making it harder for the blood to get back to your heart. This occurs during long plane or car trips. Muscles can become tense, resulting in backache and a feeling of excessive fatigue. Gravity can cause the fluid to collect in your feet, resulting in swelling.

Badly design seat and an inappropriate sitting position during long driving hours in the car will also cause back pain. All of these symptoms can be soothed by wearing “Vital-ion” protective wear with socks or by placing a necklace or bracelet on the back and calves.

Sports Injury:
Muscle cramps can be caused by over-stretching the muscles, sprains and stress fractures. Wearing “Vital-ion” products can increase the speed of blood circulation, bringing more oxygen to the cells, accelerating the regeneration and recovery of cells. It also elevates the calcium level in the blood which in turn strengthens the muscles and enhances the condition of the heart.Side Effects after Using the Products
If an increased heart beat, fatigue or excessive heat is experienced after using our products, we strongly suggest limiting their use to five minutes daily. Thereafter the duration of treatment may be increased according to the body’s response.
The level of reaction in each person is different. Usually those who have had an operation or spinal injury will respond slowly to these products.
Please do not pull aggressively on the product as this will caused damage or impairment to the material.
To remove dirt and dust wash with water or a mild cleanser. Our product is manufactured with silica gel and will not lose it’s effectiveness after washing.
There is no need to remove during your bath or shower but be careful to avoid harsh rubbing. Do no put into the washing machine or apply strong corrosive or bleach.
Wipe gently with soft cloth to dry.
Do not expose to sun for long period and keep away from stove tops or any other high temperature area. A dry room temperature area is the best to avoid damaging the product.

How do titanium enhanced products work?

Our products use Titanium (either in microballs our bound into the fabric of the product through a unique Phild process) to normalize your body's bioelectric current. When this current is stabilized, the muscles relax and blood circulation increases, allowing for easier movement and pain relief. All our products help relieve pain in muscles and joints by improving the alignment of ions, especially at the body's crucial motor points. Our products are also effective in the temporary relief of pain from bursitis, sciatica, tendonitis, certain types of arthritis and numerous other conditions. By using our products, professional athletes have experienced better fluidity of movement, quicker reflex times, and an overall improvement in performance.
Your body has a small amount of electricity runing through it, a bioelectric current.
When this electricity stimulates the nerves, the muscles receive orders.
The electrical system is the control system in the body. But in some cases it does not run well.
Stiff shoulders and tired muscles may indicate a disorder of your bioelectric system.
This means the the electricity is not running through your body in a normal manner.
Titanium is an excellent conductor of electricity and is also non-allergic.
When placed on the body, titanium facilitates the conduction of your bioelectric current, thereby helping the body's current run better. Aches and pains vanish!

What is Body Current?

There is always weak current flowing inside our bodies to transmit messages to control our movement. If a person is healthy, the current flows regularly. However, since people nowadays always work under pressure and surrounded by electric products, the flow of body current is affected and hence you will feel tired, stiff in muscles and pain in body parts easily. If the flow of body current is managed in a better way, it will make your muscles soother, enhance blood circulation and metabolic rate, and your body movement will become smoother.

Phiten’s products can help stabilize the current inside human body, which relieves pain and stiffness in muscles and joints and improves blood circulation and body balance. Our products are also effective for the temporary relief of pain from bursitis, sciatica, tendonitis, certain types of arthritis and numerous other conditions.

Function of solvable titanium and liquefaction titanium:

-->1. The effect of solvable titanium and liquefaction titanium is similar to traction in hospital, which can recuperate the normal position of cervical vertebrae joint, and then the protruded intervertebral discs would return to its position and adjust the cervical vertebrae to normal status.

-->2.Relax the involved pain caused by compression of the neck nerve.

-->3.Accelerate the blood circulation of cervical vertebrae, which can improve the blood-supply inefficient brain caused by cervical syndrome.

-->4.Relax or remove the hyperostosis.

-->5.Improve the sleep dysfunction caused by cervical syndrome.

-->6.Adjust and improve the function of cervical vertebrae and tissue around it from every aspect. --Clarify both the symptoms and the disease itself.

-->7.Human cervical vertebrae will degenerate after twenty years old, but stick to wearing this necklace will hold the course of degeneration back

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Germanium Antioxidant Reviewed

Supplement Overview: Have you ever heard of germanium? It has been reported that germanium is one substance which may help as a nutritional anti-cancer supplement. So if you have cancer or know someone who has it, this substance may be what is needed to combat the dreaded Big C.

Germanium comes in both an inorganic form and an organic form. The inorganic form of germanium cannot be consumed by people and has zero nutritional value. It is used as an effective semiconductor (which is a material that can transport electrons well) which is why inorganic germanium is employed like its cousin silicon for the manufacture of computer chips in the field of electronics.

Supplement Details:

The organic type of germanium is what is used for to treat people who have cancers or tumors already. This nutrient may be better known as Ge-Oxy 132 (or Germanium-132) and works by bolstering the human immune system so that cancerous cells and tumors do not grow any more or do not develop in the first place. This is why organic germanium is being considered to treat cancer and other forms of degenerative diseases that come with aging or are caused by free radical damage.

If you are familiar with healing plants like certain medicinal plants or herbs, you may find that germanium is a vital component in many of them. Some of these healing plants are aloe vera, comfrey, garlic and ginseng. It is believed these plants are healing or therapeutic plants because they contain quite a lot of germanium.

Dr. Kazuhiko Asai is considered the first person to successfully synthesize organic germanium the right way. Dr. Asai who hails from Tokyo , Japan , discovered the process by which organic germanium can protect the body against cancer. Organic germanium triggers heightened production of the substance interferon which in turn causes natural killer (or NK) cells to be produced as well. It is the NK cells that fight against cancer cells. Dr. Asai is credited with being able to create organic germanium in a form whose chemical structure is just like that of organic germanium sourced from plants, but which is less expensive (and thus more affordable for the general public to purchase.) Dr. Asai's version of organic germanium has the chemical name of bis-carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide. Other Japanese companies have followed suit by producing other patented processes for organic germanium production.

Another way organic germanium can reduce or eliminate cancer cells in the body is by creating oxygen-rich conditions by raising the level of oxygen at the cellular level. According to Dr. Otto Warburg, cancer cells find an oxygen-rich living environment to be lethal to them. Organic germanium basically can supply oxygen into the cell by being transported across the cellular membranes. In turn, the cell can use this additional oxygen to combat deficiencies in cellular oxygenation that result in illnesses. (Another term for deficient cellular oxygenation is oxidative free-radical damage.) Dr. Warburg eventually garnered a Nobel Prize for his research into anti-cancer substances.

The Journal of Interferon Research ran an article that showed that organic germanium can bring back the normal function of the T-cells, the B-lymphocytes, and the natural killer cells while simultaneously boosting the population of cells responsible for creating antibodies. This process is reputed not to produce side effects in the affected individual. People who consume organic germanium may benefit from research implying that germanium is useful for cancers of the breast, larynx, bladder, and the lungs. There is also proof that cirrhosis, leukemia, neuralgia, heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, sinus infection, heavy metal poisoning, arthritis, asthma, and depression too.

However, there are known side effects with use of organic germanium, such as diarrhea and skin rashes. This is why you should only consume appropriate amounts of organic germanium under the guidance of an accredited doctor who will also check on your kidney function while you are under treatment. It has also been shown by majority of research that germanium can work best when you take it along with traditional cancer therapy, or alternative anti-cancer treatments.

You can get germanium as either capsule or as tablets to supplement your diet. If you buy the powdered germanium, you need to mix it with water then keep the solution in the refrigerator to keep it stable. There are also multivitamin-mineral supplements which contain germanium too. Lastly, you might need to use the inhaled type of liquid organic germanium but you require a nebulizer for that. This last form of treatment is employed for lung oxygenation of asthma, emphysema, and lung cancer patients.

Monday, December 28, 2009

An Explanation of Titanium,Titanium Products For Health?…

Somehow I cannot help but think of the six million dollar man tv series I grew up watching when I think of the word or rather the metal titanium. Anyhow what sparked my interest was when I came across a Phiten Store in Marina Square. In fact I had passed it by a few times in the past and even looked in once, however I was skeptical that the products even worked. I mean how many copper bracelets or magnetic bracelets shops claimed more or less the same benefits of circulation and pain relieve just by using their products. But what got my attention this time, was that they their products were now being sold in Changi Hospital!

So far I experienced two very interesting demonstrations at their store to show that their products actually work. During the first demonstration I actually felt the slight change in the tension of the muscles. However in the second demonstration which was different then the first, I couldn’t quite tell if it was working the way it should as it involved lifting two big and filled bottles of water by the handle. ( think it has to do with the fact that I am used to lifting heavy weights)

Anyhow I decided to give their necklace a try since it looked rather cool and sportive. I have noticed that I am much calmer then I otherwise would be after wearing it for more than 24hours. Also waking up from the bed seems more effortless than before, perhaps due to the increase in circulation. You might say that it is all psychological, but hey! You can always try the products out yourself to see if they work.

Their products were originally designed for use as a medical aid, helping to improve the flow of blood in coma patients and others suffering from immobility. The research and development has spanned over twenty years, and until recently, only the wealthy could afford them. Finally, however, the price has come down and now their products have become a standard and are a great alternative for those who do not like constantly taking pills for relieving body aches and pains.

I got this interesting article off another site not related in anyway to Phiten…..
An Explanation of Titanium

Titanium (atomic number: 22; element symbol: Ti )

Titanium was discovered by a German chemist in 1791 and named 1795 for the Greek mythical characters known as Titans. They were giants who pre-dated and gave birth to the Greek gods. Titanium is a sliver-white colored metal which is resistant to rust, heat, and seawater, and are hypoallergenic It is often used for medical tools and technical tools in various fields. The living body conducts electric currents throughout itself, related to the nervous and muscular systems. Disturbances in the body’s electric current can generate various maladies. In our everyday lives, we are constantly exposed to various electromagnetic waves, which can harm the body. Titanium, with its strong ionization tendency, promotes better electrical through the body and helps counteract the negative electromagnetic waves in our environment. The results include improved metabolism and the reduction of muscle stiffness and pain. Athletes and medical specialists both have begun recommending the curative properties titanium recently.

The special characteristics of Titanium

Titanium possesses such extraordinary qualities such as the following:

1. it is lightweight

2. it is sturdy

3. it will not rust

4. it does not produce allergic reactions in the human body

Because of these highly –regarded characteristics, Titanium is now used in everything from everyday products such as eyeglass frames, golf clubs, watches, cameras, to such highly advanced products as medical equipment, as well as parts used in the space aeronautics industry.

Titanium has recently begun to garner further interest as sports professionals and athletes, from high school soccer players to runners in the international marathon, in baseball league to golf PGA, have been wearing titanium necklaces, titanium bracelets and titanium coated-tape around their necks, wrists and arms. Many who wear these titanium bio jewelleries have reported that there is a miraculous beneficial effect of improving blood circulation and reducing muscles stress. This has cause an increasing trend of wearing titanium bio jewelleries in sports. In fact, it is an essential accessory for many professional players of major league sports clubs and sports associations now. Titanium has been proven to be so popular in sports that television shows have been broadcast special features stories around this new phenomenon. The New York Times has also reported this new phenomenon under the heading “Is Your Bat Speed a Bit Off? Try a Titanium Necklace “ in June 22, 2005.
How Titanium affects the Body, and its Benefits.

Electricity is constantly flowing throughout the human body. Muscles respond sensitively to minute amounts of this electric current. Human cells are composed of atomic nuclei as well as electronic nuclei. Electronic nuclei emit positive and negative charges that delicate balance each other. In order words, it is probably not an overstatement to say that our bodies are controlled by electricity. However, if for some reasons the positive and negative charges in our cells are upset and the delicate balance them are disrupted, the electric currents in our bodies become uneven and unbalance. This results in such aches and illnesses as stiff shoulders, lower back pain, headaches, dizziness, ringing tone in the ears, diarrhea, constipation, and severe ocular pain.

According to Eastern Oriental medicine, every organ, whether it is the brain, heart, liver or kidney, maintains its own electromagnetic field. When the dedicate balance of these fields are upset the flow of “ki” or life energy, is disrupted, leading to illness.

Today, we live our everyday lives surrounded by all kinds of household electrical appliances. Whenever these appliances are operated using electricity, they invariably produce electromagnetic waves. These waves always disrupt our biological electrical currents and damage our physical health. However, a life without electrical appliances and equipment is now no longer feasible. Therefore, in order to live healthier lives, we must help balance and repair the disruptions to our biological electrical currents. To put it more simply, we need to bring in electricity from outside of our bodies-this idea is the crux of all medical treatments using electricity or magnetism.

Electrons or cluster of electrons that produce electrical charges are called ions. Many methods of medical treatment use the effects of ions, or ionization. For example, ultrasound and irradiation using low frequency waves are often employed in the treating of muscles pain, or in the rehabilitation of patients with partial paralysis. These treatments take advantage of the fact that when the body is exposed to electrical current of electrical waves, it becomes heated. The increased warmth encourages a more vigorous flow of blood throughout the body, simulating sympathetic nerves and causing the capillaries and vessels to expand. This in turn improves metabolism, and encourages cells to expel toxic wastes more easily. Furthermore, appropriate warmth helps to relieve pain and bring about relaxation. Other beneficial effects include the loosening of muscles, the alleviation of pain and spasms, and the increased alkalinity of such bodily fluids as blood and lymph node fluids.

The disruption of biological electrical currents can also be corrected by using metals. Metals by nature emit positive and negative (minus) charges, and it is the degree to which these charges are emitted that determines their ionization strength. Ionizing propensities differ from metal to metal, it has been generally recognized that aluminum possesses the strongest such effect, followed by zinc, iron, nickel, tin, lead, copper, mercury, white gold and gold. However, until recently, it has been discovered that Titanium is believed to have an even higher ionizing effect than any of these metals.

Titanium is thus extremely effective in correcting the disruptions in a person’s biological electrical currents, thereby eliminating any unpleasant and painful symptoms. The excellent results derives from wearing a titanium bracelets are due to the fact that titanium emits electrical currents that are beneficial in correcting and balancing a person’s disrupted biological electrical currents

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Healing with Negative Ions and Far Infrared Energy with Germanium.

Germanium jewelry is already well known in Japan and throughout Asia. In the US, men and women, golfers, baseball players, and other sports pros wear them - now you can, too.

"...For a positive psychological state, negative ion exposure appeared to be associated with feeling better about self, less sensitive, and more responsive or innervated (energized)."
--Dr. Bob Arnot in an interview with Connie Chung on CBS news

Humans in modern society experience a great deal of mental stress and are constantly being bombarded with increasing levels of EMF/ELF radiation generated by computer, cell phone, and many other electronic devices. Besides, pollutants in the air and chemicals in our food and drinks often become free radicals that constantly invade healthy cells in our body. As a result, the bio-electric current in the body is often in disarray.

Titanium, germanium, magnetite, black tourmaline and many other mineral elements possess special electrical characteristics that can help reorganize and stabilize the disorderly bio-electric activity in the human body. By using these products, electric energy of the red blood cells become normalized and electrically balanced, so they no longer bundle into clusters. When red blood cells operates independently, it is much more efficient in transporting oxygen and nutrients.

Gaia Rhythms jewelry utilizes a combination of specific earth elements that release negative ions and help balance the body. Not only beautiful, jewelry is also a powerful all-in-one health booster.

Germanium jewelry may assist with:

Enhanced relaxation
Increased serotonin levels
Overall sense of well-being
Increased alertness
Feeling energized
Free radicals being neutralized
Strengthened immune system
Removing toxins and other wastes
Improved blood circulation
Increased sports performance
Relieving Pain
Easing joint stiffness
EMF balance and protection

Far Infra-Red Rays

Far Infra-red is the invisible band of energy that is part of the sun’s spectrum. Far Infra red is the segment that provides the greatest output from the sun and, as the safest energy waves, is most beneficial to life. Germanium has the ability to emit a high percentage of far-infrared-rays that penetrate deep into the human body. When Far Infra-red rays penetrate human tissue, the resulting vibrations cause a thermal reaction which elevates tissue temperatures. The body responds to this by dilating all the blood vessels regardless of size, thus increasing bloodflow.

Far Infrared therapy assists with tissue revitalization because of the improved circulation. It dilates the capillaries, supports blood flow and helps to improve oxygen levels. Stored toxins such as chemicals and heavy metals can then be easily flushed out and a higher level of health in the cells can be gained.

Negative Ions

Negative ions are created naturally in nature by the energy associated with waterfalls, rolling surf and lightning. Negative ions are negatively charged particles formed when enough energy acts on a molecule to eject an electron. The displaced electron then attaches itself to a nearby molecule, which then becomes a Negative Ion. Negative ions can have a refreshing effect on the body; similar to the experience you would have if you were standing next to a waterfall. Negative ions can also produce a calming effect on the mind and support immune function.


Germanium is a crucial factor in the constituents . Germanium is a very important semi-conductor that releases negative ions when its temperature reaches 89.6° F. When germanium comes in contact with our skin, it releases negative ions into our body. The negative ions proceed to neutralize the positive ions that are stressful to our body. Germanium ions may also enhance immune function, balance and protect against the effects of EMF radiation, and balance disorderly bio-electric activity.

Saturday, December 26, 2009



Chapter 1:
Historical Sketch – from Element to Organic Compound

Germanium as an element was identified in 1886 by a German chemist Clemens Winkler. The existence of an element with Germanium's atomic structure was actually predicted by the Russian chemist Mendeleev, who left a space in his periodic table for an element which he named 'ekasilicon'. Winkler isolated this element during an analysis of the ore argyrodite, a silver mineral, from the Himmelsfurst mine, St. Michaelis near Freiburg in Saxony and named it Germanium after his homeland. Germanium belongs to family four of the periodic table, along with carbon, silicon, tin and lead, and is usually classified as a semi-metal, or said to have semiconductor properties.

Germanium is not that rare in the universe, with estimates ranging from 10-55 parts per million (ppm) (92). On the earth's crust its concentration is approximately 6 ppm therefore being more abundant than gold, silver, cadmium, bismuth, antimony and mercury, and in the same range as molybdenum, arsenic, tin, boron and beryllium. Germanium rarely forms its own mineral deposits. In most cases, Germanium is found in small (ppm) levels in the sulphidic ores of lead, zinc and copper, although occasionally levels of 100 ppm have been found in deep thermal deposits of zinc. Germanium is highly concentrated in some coals, about 500 ppm. The highest reservoirs, worldwide, of Germanium are found in Tsumeb (formerly German South West Africa) and Kipushi (Zaire), with concentrations reaching 1000 ppm.

Technological Applications of Germanium
Several investigators studied microbial, medicinal and botanical effects of Germanium during the 1920's and 30's, but until 1948, Germanium was mainly relegated to the status of a rare element. Radar engineering prior to the second World War had led to the use of crystal detectors based upon the use of germanium crystals, and in 1948, Germanium was plucked from obscurity into the limelight by Bell Laboratories researchers Brattain, Bardeen and Shockley, who utilized its semiconductor properties for the development of modern electronic devices, transistors and diodes.

During the seventies, Germanium was replaced by silicon in the semi-conductor engineering field; however new areas of application opened up for this mineral. For Germanium 'Metal' these include: semi-conductor photodiodes, rectifiers and solar cells; special alloys for electronics and dental engineering; mirrors, optical systems and radiation divisors for laser engineering; and infra-red engineering devices. Technological applications for Germanium dioxide include the production of polyester chips, fluorescent tubes, special glass and in the pharmaceutical industry, the production of therapeutically beneficial organic Germanium compounds.

The Birth of an Idea – Organic Germanium as Medicine
The events leading to the synthesis of an organic Germanium compound with therapeutic properties are an inspiring tale, like many scientific discoveries, involving a mixture of serendipity, intuition, persistence and faith. The figure of the now deceased Japanese researcher, Kazuhiko Asai, looms prominently in this story. For without Dr. Asai's steadfast belief and ability to persist despite great personal hardship, it is hard to imagine how organic Germanium could have made such a rapid leap from idea to actuality as a therapeutic compound.

Once something is created and exists in reality, it can be analysed, tested and perhaps improved. However, the creative process, stemming from the conception of an idea and carried through to the birth of a tangible entity, is somewhat mysterious and awe-inspiring, which often provokes in the humble person gratitude to whatever forces which inspired his insight. We owe great tribute to discoverers like Asai, who make great sacrifices and commitments to follow their curiosity to completion. The story of Dr. Asai's synthesis of the first organic Germanium compound bears at least a brief telling. His book 'Miracle Cure - Organic Germanium' is highly recommended (2).

The connection between semiconductors and organic Germanium is germane (no pun intended) to this saga, for Asai, upon reading about semiconductor properties of electrons of Germanium, pondered over the effects such a substance might have in the body.

"Germanium atomic number 32, has 32 electrons, four of which are constantly moving unsteadily along the outermost shell of the atom. These four electrons are negative electrical charge carriers and if approached by a foreign substance, one will be ejected out of its orbit. This famous phenomenon is known in electronics as the positive-hole effect which is so ingeniously utilized in forming transistors and diodes. When one of these four electrons is ejected, a positive-charge hole is created and the remaining three seize electrons from other atoms in order to maintain balance." (1)

Asai was specifically thinking about the process of dehydrogenation, and whether Germanium might be effective in removing toxic hydrogen ions from the body. More about this later.

Research: Germanium Content in Plants
In 1945, Asai helped to establish the Coal Research Foundation in Japan, from which came most of the early work on Germanium. Research and painstaking analysis, in those days without sophisticated equipment, established the existence of Germanium in Japanese coal, predominantly in the woody section, or vitrit.Asai intuited that the source of Germanium in coal was from the plant matter, and not from the surrounding soil, which led to a whole series of experiments investigating Germanium content in plants traditionally known to be therapeutic in Chinese medicine, such as Shelf fungus, ginseng, Wisteria gall, and other health promoting foods including Aloe, Comfrey and Garlic (2).

Asai found high Germanium content in these plants and hypothesized that Germanium plays important roles in the photo-electrochemical process of photosynthesis, the metabolism and self-defence (protection from invading viruses) process of these plants. These questions regarding the role of Germanium in plant metabolism and protection are undoubtedly important research topics for rigorous investigation.

At Last - An Organic Gemanium Compound
Inorganic forms of Germanium had been extracted from coal and for use by the electronics industry. It now remained for Asai's group to do the reverse - convert the extracted inorganic Germanium into an organic form. This turned out to be a laborious and daunting exercise which consumed more than a decade of painful, unfruitful failures. Concurrently, with the decline of the coal industry in Japan and Dr. Asai's source of research funds, times were hard and Asai endured poverty with the exhaustion of his personal finances. Finally, a water-soluble organic Germanium compound, carboxy ethyl sesquioxide of Germanium, a white powder, was synthesized in November 1967. Asai, by this time suffering from severe rheumatoid arthritis, tested the Germanium on his condition which, within ten days, had disappeared.

In his book "Organic Germanium Miracle Cure" (2), Asai condenses his more than twenty years of experience into a rather short volume, containing insights, hypotheses and convictions, interspersed with experimental data. The incredible interest and research energy which has been expended over the decades is a testament to the courage, foresight and intuition of Dr. Asai,for rigorous research has come far to date in documenting the scientific basis for Dr. Asai's originally intuitive ideas of organic Germanium's therapeutic properties.

Miracle Cure - Organic Germanium by Dr Asai - Extracts

"In the Germanium Clinic which I supervise, no pharmaceuticals are used, only my organic germanium. Therefore, when a patient comes to the Clinic he receives a medical examination and the appropriate prescription of germanium is given. In spite of the fact that no additional medicine is given, people come daily from all over Japan, and close to twenty per cent of them become so-called "germanium believers," continuing to take the compound over a long period. Of course, the purpose of the treatment has already been achieved, but repeated use has not once caused any side effects or any other complaint up to the present time, nor do I expect any in the future. On the other hand, requests from practicing physicians have greatly increased. Some of these doctors say that thanks to germanium, their patients are extremely grateful, and now without germanium they would be unable to continue their practice".

"The effect of the compound is so unlike that of any medicine heretofore discovered that I hesitate to call germanium a medicine. I would rather call it a health-giving substance - i.e., a substance which restores a condition of health to those afflicted with disease, and which sustains a condition of health in those who are healthy. The basis for this, first, is its seemingly universal applicability and beneficial effect in the treatment of apparently any disease in adults and children. Secondly, it is without the adverse effects associated with medicines as we know them".

"My organic germanium compound has proved effective against all sorts of diseases, including cancers of the lung, bladder, larynx and breast, neurosis, asthma, diabetes, hypertension, cardiac insufficiency, inflammation of maxillary sinus, neuralgia, leukaemia, softening of the brain, myoma of the uterus and hepatic cirrhosis. If a line that runs through the many cases of cure taken as isolated points should be found and an hypothesis known to be true should be set up, I should say that all diseases are attributable to deficiency of oxygen. The dangers of an oxygen deficiency in the human body cannot be over-emphasized. Germanium greatly enriches oxygen in the living body. Everyone knows that oxygen is absolutely essential for sustaining life",

"Doctors had diagnosed my illness as a severe case of rheumatism complicated by arthritis and had given little hope of improvement. True, the organic germanium compound had just been synthesized, but it was still in the experimental stage. Usually with a new medicine, extensive toxicity tests are made before it is used on people. I decided that my own illness would be its first real test. My decision was not entirely based on blind faith, however. Prior to the discovery, my years of research with plants and animals had indicated that its overall effect would be beneficial, or harmless at least. Furthermore, some scientific data from the Soviet Union indicated that germanium was non-toxic. I took some of the white, powdery organic germanium with water. Improvement was slow at first, but I continued to take the solution in large dosages for several days. Gradually, I began to feel better and in ten days I was up and walking around the house-at times feeling robustly healthy. Since the rheumatic affliction I was suffering from is generally regarded as incurable by modern medicine, I had been visiting an acupuncturist in the neighbourhood in an attempt to relieve my pains. Upon examination after only a few visits, the acupuncturist was astounded to find that my body had already healed to an unbelievable extent".

"I wasted no time in initiating toxicity tests with animals at an authoritative research institute. The tests they ran included those for acute, sub acute, and chronic toxicity, as well as deformity - producing effects. The results of all the tests showed the compound to be completely non-toxic and harmless. (Refer to Appendix 2-1, 2-2, Toxicity of Organic Germanium.) With thorough assurance that the compound was non-toxic, I was able to obtain financial backing and opened a clinic on the outskirts of Tokyo. My doctor friends agreed to rely on germanium as much as possible in their treatment, and together we witnessed the remarkable recovery of patients with diseases that had hardly responded to medical treatment. Thorough records of the patients' reactions to treatment and course of recovery were maintained to develop an adequate explanation of the mechanism by which the compound heals. People taking my organic germanium continued to do so in increasing numbers when they saw its remarkable results".

"By watching all the changes that took place with patients following the administration of the compound, I was able to conclude that its healing powers may be attributed to the fact that it brings about a sharp increase in the body's supply of oxygen: A patient will feel a certain warmth surging throughout his body within 10 minutes of so after taking the compound - some people actually feel as if they have been given a mixture that included alcohol. yawning soon ceases, blood becomes less viscous and complexions take on a healthy glow. Carbon monoxide poisoning is quickly cured, and people feel cheerful, sleep soundly and wake in good humour. They also show evidence of increased mental powers, along with numerous other overall positive".

"Morbid tissues are generally characterized by oxygen deficiency. Accumulation of H+ radicals tends to destroy cells and tissues which gradually accumulate to cause disorders which in turn deteriorate in a morbid condition generated for various reasons. If oxygen could be selectively and locally, fed to this lesion, oxygen would combine with the accumulated H+ radicals to restore the deteriorated tissues, thereby cutting the vicious circle of accumulation of deteriorated tissues and disorders, restoring the normal functions of the tissues. The basis of the theory of the mechanism of the compound is that germanium takes the form of a sesquioxide. Oxygen readily combines with hydrogen, so it becomes apparent that hydrogen will strongly bind with the oxygen atoms of the compound, consequently bringing about a dehydrogenating reaction which is the mechanism by which germanium eliminates harmful substances causing disease in the body. Consider for a moment the basic fact of the life process whereby food is burned by the body to give energy, while carbon dioxide (C02) and hydrogen (H2) are created. CO2 is discharged from the lungs when we exhale, and H2 combines with oxygen to form water which is discharged in the urine and sweat. As mentioned previously, hydrogen may be referred to as a positive ion, which is as useless to the body as dust clogging the workings of a machine. To insure that the body functions normally, hydrogen must be removed, but for complete removal a large quantity of oxygen is needed. The germanium compound with its strong dehydrogenating effect takes the place of oxygen in combining with hydrogen to eliminate the latter from the body. In fact, all traces of germanium are discharged from the body through the digestive tract within 20 to 30 hours".

"As will be seen later. the organic germanium compound can be regarded without exaggeration as an effective means of combating almost any disease. Nonetheless, for assuring its efficacy and the health of the body, the following two conditions have to be met. One is to keep a well balanced diet in order to maintain the acid alkali equilibrium of the body fluids.(See Dietary guidelines, Zeolite, Sea greens, and Barley grass as ways to aid acid alkali balance). The other is to relieve stress to keep a stable mental state for maintaining the equilibrium of the autonomic nervous system. If any one of these equilibriums is broken, a morbid change is likely to occur somewhere in the body. The oxygen needed for the human body is supplied through respiration, and observing the necessities for the maintenance of human life, the first thought is the need for oxygen supplied to the body through respiration, while the need for nourishment in the form of water and food and sleep follow a close second. With these conditions in mind, it is up to man to choose the proper type of food. For this reason, it is important to keep a well balanced diet. For maintaining health or curing a disease, it is of utmost importance to adhere to a diet that includes food which will keep the pH of the body fluids slightly alkaline at 7.2 to 7 4".

"Causes for an oxygen deficiency in the body at this point since this seems to be the root of all body disorders. (i) Though acidity has long been recognized as a problem, perhaps one reason why ill health is so rampant is that most people do not bother to find an adequate explanation as to why this condition is detrimental to health. Although it may sound complicated, the scientific answer is rather simple. An acid constitution means that the blood contains an excess of positive hydrogen ions (H + ) which use up the oxygen in a living body by combining with it to form a hydroxyl group. When an excess of (H + ) accumulates in the body, there is insufficient oxygen to consume them. As a consequence the blood will acidify and an oxygen deficiency will be created. The problem of oxygen deficiency has also become a controversy in recent years. An acid constitution should be averted by all means. An acid constitution leads to an oxygen deficiency which results in various diseases, including cancer. (ii) The intake of foods which contain an excess of unsaturated chemical compounds can be noted as another major cause of oxygen deficiency. Unsaturated compounds have a surplus of molecular "hands" which combine with oxygen in the body to produce oxonium compounds, thereby depleting the body's supply of oxygen. In an experiment we conducted with dogs, one of the animals died from cancer induced by means of the above method. The chemical nature of substance is to move from an unsaturated state. at which they can establish their existence. In this context, it is important for those who want to stay healthy to note that natural foods contain the fewest unsaturated compounds, while these compounds are conspicuously abundant in refined foods. (Vegetable oils that are heated either in their production, processing or use, e.g vegetable oils used in processed foods, as a frying media, and consequently most fried food and margarine are examples of these toxic foods. Small amounts of hemp oil, and taken cold may be OK. Olive oil is a non saturated and is safe, especially unheated. Coconut oil is a safe saturated oil to use. Fish contain heathly oils. Raw free range eggs contain healthy saturated fats as does raw milk and butter ed.)

In my mind, carcinogenic or, cancer producing substances and unsaturated compounds with their excess of molecular "hands" to use up the available oxygen in the body are one and the same. (iii) The other major cause of oxygen deficiency in the body, perhaps that to which we should pay the most attention, is the mind. A theory of Professor Hans Selye of the University of Montreal, Canada, is that not only humans but animals develop an unbalanced secretion of hormones, particularly adrenal hormones, if subjected to prolonged stress, (see Sodium Ascorbate for a resolution of this problem). An imbalance hormone secretion will also lead to acidification of the blood and thereby create a condition for oxygen deficiency which ultimately, results in disease. In an experiment we conducted in our laboratory, mice were encased and poked with a stick to irritate and provoke them. Not surprisingly, upon dissection, it was found that all had developed stomach ulcers, some of which had haemorrhaged. An examination of their blood revealed the pH value had dropped by 0.2 on average, clearly indicating that the blood had become highly acidified. With the recent remarkable progress in biochemistry, many warnings have been issued on the relationship between health and diet. Moreover. stress is fast becoming recognized as a major cause of disease. Again, I wish to re-emphasize the necessity of maintaining a constitution that will not produce an oxygen deficiency. This is a conclusion reached after several years of laboratory work with the organic germanium compound and, to date, all the facts have supported it without exception".

"After a dose of organic germanium, within a short time the amount of oxygen in the body is not only greatly increased, but dehydrogenation takes place, and poisonous matter is rendered non poisonous, and in about 20 hours is thrown out of the body. Since germanium does not remain in the body, there is absolutely no toxicity, and no harmful side effects that occur with all medicines. When I say that germanium is effective against all sickness, I can imagine not only doctors but people in general laughing and saying I must be joking. In fact, it is proving effective against all diseases, and I believe the doctors are going to have to reverse their ideas of medical practice, and treat sickness on a holistic basis, since it deals with the whole nature of man and his life environment. I am convinced that this organic germanium compound promises to be more important than any other drug, and its study requires a long period: in spite of the cost research should be continued for the benefit of humanity".

"People will tell me with wonder among other experiences the disappearance of warts, the outgrowing of corns and splinters embedded in the skin, healing of eczema's and healing of burns without scars with little of the accompanying pains resulting from those burns, or of early subsiding of herpes. While this shows the effectiveness of organic germanium in minor ailments, later descriptions will deal with its effectiveness in much more severe and obstinate diseases. If people experience only small effects, if any, this only goes to show that their condition is worse than thought, thus an increase of the prescribed dosage is required. Where the body' cells lack oxygen, so indispensable to life, a gradual decline in bodily functions is inevitable and lastly the fire of life will be extinguished. This is my personal opinion, but it seems that forces working towards the improvement of health and forces working towards an aggravation of physical conditions are in constant struggle within our bodies, and the condition improves or worsens depending on which of the forces gains the upper hand. What is commonly applicable to all cases is that prescription of large doses of organic germanium immediately after a definite diagnosis brings wonderful results".

"A phenomenon that occasionally bothers patients who are prescribed organic germanium could best be explained as a cure reaction (deceptive phenomenon in Chinese medical herb therapy) which causes a certain condition to become worse. This, however, should not cause additional anxiety but rather be judged as a sign that the treatment is beginning to have an effect. In such cases it is necessary to increase the dosage for a certain period (between 7 to 14 days) in order to overcome this phenomenon. The larger the dosage, the quicker will be the breakthrough. This is the beginning of a chance for cure, and it is most inadvisable to suspend administration by mistaking the condition for a sign of aggravation".

"Letters of gratitude from people who have been suffering from Behcet's syndrome, aplastic anaemia, sarcoidosis and incurable hepatitis, which Japan's Ministry of Welfare designates as incurable diseases, fill the files in my study. Here is one short note of gratitude from an 86 year old woman living in oklahoma, Japan, who had chronic asthma, white cataracts, was hard of hearing and passed her days in darkness. "Since I have learned about germanium, I have had no more pneumonia, I can hear, and now I am able to read my favourite books again." She enclosed this verse: My umbrella grows heavy day by day But germanium helps me carry on. Each letter is an indictment against modern medicine and a record of people who have found new light in life amidst intense suffering. Just as a small candlelight can be seen from afar in the dark, the fame of my work on the organic germanium compound appears to have reached far corners of the world. Thus numerous letters imploring to obtain the compound are pouring in from such countries as Switzerland, Germany, Australia, Romania, Canada, and the U.S.A."

"My friend had this to say. "Rather than being similar to modern is more pharmaceutical medicines. this organic germanium compound like one of the traditional Chinese medicinal herbs. I have used it to treat a number of different illnesses, and have found its healing effect to be more constitutional than allopathic that is, it acts on the body as a whole rather than on any specific symptom. "To put it more simply, your organic germanium cures diseases by inducing the body's own natural healing powers. I am convinced that by increasing the flow of oxygen, organic germanium stimulates latent natural healing powers existing in the human body, thereby resulting in a very effective cure of any illness." From the way in which various diseases had been cured by organic germanium treatment, I too, had become aware of a rather close link between the action of organic germanium and natural healing processes in the body".

"I recall a story about a chemist who was asked to analyze a transparent liquid in a test tube to identify it. He immediately made its analysis and reported that the liquid in question consisted of a large quantity of water and a tiny quantity of calcium, sodium and potassium salt. He could not find out that the liquid was actually tears shed by a mother in sorrow. At the outset, I intended to describe the therapeutical efficacy of germanium. I would like to stress the need for scientists, particularly medical scientists, to free themselves from the shackles of straitjacketed thought patterns that compel them to be "one dimensional human beings." and to enter into meditative thinking of higher dimensions. Physicians tend to depend on medical treatises that only represent the surface of a mirror, and fail to see anything through it. All they do is follow what appears on the surface. Such a mono dimensional conduct will hardly succeed in saving lives".

"I can only long, night and day, for germanium therapy to become universally available. I deem it advisable to treat organic germanium not as a pharmaceutical but as a means of a therapeutical system which we should build for saving mankind. Germanium has much in common with Chinese medicine, as I have pointed out earlier, and is in harmony with the Oriental medicine, which means that "Natural Therapy Will be Perfected With Germanium: In closing, I borrow the words of FriedrichSchiller, "The future wavers, but wavering draws on, the present passes swift as an arrow, and the past sinks into the silence of eternity."

Germanium the Element

In appearance germanium is a metal, but it is completely without metallic properties. Some scientists refer to it as a non-metal, while Dr Asai and others in Japan classified it as a semi-metal. Germanium is common in the universe and can be found in various places - food, plants, and peat and coal deposits and in the earth's crust. Intriguingly, Germanium can be found in extremely high levels in the water of Lourdes, where people today continue to travel seeking healing. It rarely forms it's own deposits, but is found in small levels in the ores of for example, lead, zinc and copper, it can be found in highly concentrated amounts in certain coals. In 1945, Asai helped to establish the Coal Research Foundation in Japan and it was from here that he began his original research. Dr. Asai found that Ge-Oxy 132 occurs in high concentrations in medicinal plants, and is therefore one of the main active principles in many age old, natural remedies. Experiments led to the observation of other interesting phenomena. When only a small quantity of germanium solution was used, the growth of various plants was greatly accelerated and their flowering period was advanced.

"In fact, although in quantities which vary a great deal from plant to plant, all plants seem to contain germanium. Observing such phenomena, I was astonished at how the laws of nature seemed to support the hypothesis that germanium plays a very important role in relation to biochemical life. Discoveries lending verification, however, followed in rapid succession. I was further surprised to find that the plants containing unusually large quantities of germanium were without exception those valued as Chinese medicinal herbs. This discovery renewed my admiration for the accumulated wisdom and experience of Oriental medicine with its 2,OOO-year history, and added to my incentive to uncover the biochemical effects of germanium".

The electronics industry had been extracting inorganic germanium from coal, and it was utilised for the semi-conducting properties and in the development of transistors and diodes, both of which came to play a leading role in modern electronics. Electronics engineers have since come to marvel at the whimsical and magic like behaviour of semiconductor electrons, and the quantum revolution soon spread to other fields. In the field of biochemistry, quantum biology and electrobiology emerged. Dr Asai established that as living organisms also come under the physical laws of matter, that the semiconductor phenomenon could have an impact on the living body with interesting biological effects.

"All these experiments pointed to a very interesting relationship existing between living substances and metals. In nature there is a transmigrational phenomenon whereby metallic elements existing in the soil play an important part in plant growth when absorbed by plants. Animals absorb these elements after feeding on the plants and return them to the soil through evacuation or upon death. Naturally, the metallic elements involved in this cycle move in organic form from the plant to animal bodies, and I became extremely interested in determining what form of organic compound is present in living organisms. If this organic compound could be found and synthesized. a substance could be created which would surely have beneficial effects on all forms of life"

Please note that all Dr Asai's research and the healing properties discussed relates to the organic form of Germanium. The inorganic form caused some exaggerated talk of Germanium being toxic in the 80s. Over a period of around 10 years, Dr Asai and his researchers were able to convert the extracted inorganic Germanium into an organic form. Dr. Asai conducted many chronic toxicity studies on Organic Germanium which was found to be essentially non-toxic even at the highest dosages. Subsequent studies have had the same results - no side effects have been observed either clinically or biochemically. In 1967, a water-soluble organic Germanium compound, carboxy ethyl sesquioxide of Germanium, a white powder, was synthesized. Dr Asai was himself in ill health at this time and began the first tests on himself - in a period of just 10 days, his crippling rheumatoid arthritis, had disappeared.

Friday, December 25, 2009

World of the Body: ions

Ions carry an electric charge or charges. Those with one or more positive charges are called cations, whereas those with negative charges are called anions. The names arise from considering what happens if a current is passed through an ionic solution; cations migrate to the cathode and anions to the anode, allowing current to flow through the solution. Common inorganic cations found in the body are sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), and calcium (Ca2+), while common anions are chloride (Cl-) and bicarbonate (HCO3-). Neither anions or cations can exist in isolation, as the total electrical charge must be in balance. A solution of sodium chloride will have an equal number of Na+ and Cl- ions, and a solution of calcium chloride will have twice the number of Cl- ions as Ca2+ ions. Organic molecules can also be ionic. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine chloride will give, in solution, a positively charged acetylcholine moiety together with a chloride ion. Some organic molecules may carry a positive and a negative charge on different parts of the molecule and are known as zwitterions.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Advanced Technology Bracelet

The Advanced Technology Bracelet, NewTeq3TM, is a new concept devolopped By Neways that uses the combination of 3 x innovative technologies:
... Far Infrared Technology - FIR
FIR Ceramic Inserts emit FIR in the wavelength of 4 to 14 microns helping to activate water molecules in your body and improve oxygen levels. ..Click here to learn more

... Negative Ion Therapy
Negative Ion Ceramic Inserts emitting negatively charged oxygen ions can help provide a refreshing and invigorating effect on the body...Click here to learn more

... Magnetic Therapy
Magnetic Inserts emitting a magnetic field of around 750-800 gauss may help support blood flow, and the carriage of oxygen to the cells... Click here to learn more

Understanding Germanium

Understanding Germanium

Why Germanium?

Nobel Prize Winner Alexis Carrel: In his book 'Man in the Unknown', he says. "I have attempted to make clear the fact that things still unknown remain to be solved, but there are things that are entirely beyond the range of human knowledge. Organic Germanium is a substance directly bound up in some way with life, and this discovery has impelled me into the mysterious world within nature that is beyond the wisdom of man."

Germanium was first discovered in 1886 by the German chemist, Clemns A. Winkler. Winkler discovered Germanium in the mineral argyrodite.

However, Germanium rarely forms distinct minerals. The existence of Germanium was predicted in 1871 by the chemist Mendeleev. He predicted this new element would have properties very similar to silicon. His predictions ultimately proved to be very accurate. Clemens Winkler found that experimental observations agreed with Mendeleev's predictions and later named Germanium from the Latin word Germania meaning Germany.

In order to fully understand the beneficial effects of Germanium used in our all healthcare products, it is necessary to start reviewing past research done on Germanium as this lays the foundation of how Germanium function in general, organic or inorganic.
The pioneering work done in this area was mostly attributed to Dr. Kayuhiko Asai. He was born in the province of Manchuria in 1908 and died in 1982 in Japan. He grew up and attended technical institutes in Berlin and in Japan. His work has resulted in the founding of the Japan Asai Institute which holds the exclusive patents to making soluble Germanium for consumption.

Download Dr Asai's book on 'Miracle Cure - Organic Germanium'

In 1945 he established the Coal Research Institute. Near the end of 1945, right after World War II, Dr. Asai was working in his lab identifying Japanese coals with a microscope. Coal is formed from the remains of ancient vegetation carbonised in an air-tight state as a result of being completely immersed in sea water when swamplands subsided millions of years ago.

Dr. Asai learned that coal had Germanium by reading Russian literature on the subject. During his research, he became interested in why the wood section of coal contained larger quantities of Germanium. Upon further examination of various coals, he found the existence of medullary tubes, the vessels that plants use to bring nutrients from the soil. This led Dr. Asai to conclude that Germanium existed in coal in the first instance and did not enter the coal secondarily with other foreign substances but was possessed by the plant. His theory was criticised by many of his associates; however, after further research analysis showed that many plants in fact contained Germanium.
Some of the substances which contain Germanium are:
Shelf fungus : 800-2,000 ppm
Ginseng from Shemane prefecture Japan : 250 ppm
Ginseng from Shenano district Japan : 320 ppm
Water Chestnut : 239 ppm
Pearl Barley : 50 ppm
Comfrey : 152 ppm
Garlic : 650 ppm
Korean Ginseng : 4,000 ppm

*ppm = parts per million

Germanium and plants which are rich in this compound are effective in helping various disorders of the body. In Biological Medicine or Naturapathic Medicine many substances are an important part of health restoration or the maintenance of health. Many times it has taken years before some of these substances receive much attention from established medical research.

So it is with Germanium which is now moving to the forefront of interest among health professionals and laymen alike. Let's look at what current research has brought forth concerning the benefits of Germanium.
Germanium helps supply Oxygen

Oxygen is quite essential for life. We know how disastrous it would be if there was an oxygen deficiency. The well known German scientist, Dr. Otto Warberg, has shown that the growth of cancer cells is basically due to a cellular oxygen deficiency. The cells in our body are aerobic (with oxygen). An inadequate supply of oxygen alters the structure of these cells.

Dr. Asai mentions that cells which are deficient in oxygen, in order to survive, begin what is called glycolysis, and turn anaerobic, meaning it is no longer using oxygen. There are many factors which can lead to a reduced amount of oxygen in the blood. In our society today, the amount of air pollution, food pollution, and the effects of stress can lead to a reduction of oxygen in the blood.

Cancer cells operate basically under the anaerobic state, without oxygen. So proper oxygen supply to cells of the body is sound preventive measure. Organic Germanium increased the oxygen supply in the body. One aspect of proper health is the removal of hydrogen which requires a large amount of oxygen. Dr. Asai says that oxygen combining with hydrogen is called dehydrogenating reaction, which is the mechanism by which Germanium eliminates harmful substances causing disease in the body. The Germanium compound with its strong dehydrogenating effects, takes the place of oxygen in combining with hydrogen to eliminate the hydrogen from the body.

These extracts from Dr Asai's book explain his Germanium research further

"I am a scientist, however, and well aware of the dangers of non empirical thinking and soon set about to define the mechanism of the Germanium compound in scientific terms. By watching all the changes that took place with patients following the administration of the compound, I was able to conclude that its healing powers may be attributed to the fact that it brings about a sharp increase in the body's supply of oxygen: A patient will feel a certain warmth surging throughout his body within 10 minutes of so after taking the compound - some people actually feel as if they have been given a mixture that included alcohol. yawning soon ceases, blood becomes less viscous and complexions take on a healthy glow. Carbon monoxide poisoning is quickly cured, and people feel cheerful, sleep soundly and wake in good humor. They also show evidence of increased mental powers, along with numerous other overall positive effects which will be described in more detail in later sections.

Morbid tissues are generally characterized by oxygen deficiency. Accumulation of H- radicals tends to destroy cells and tissues which gradually accumulate to cause disorders which in turn deteriorate in a morbid condition generated for various reasons. If oxygen could be selectively and locally, fed to this lesion, oxygen would combine with the accumulated H+ radicals to restore the deteriorated tissues, thereby cutting the vicious circle of accumulation of deteriorated tissues and disorders, restoring the normal functions of the tissues.

The basis of the theory of the mechanism of the compound is that germanium takes the form of a sesquioxide.

Consider for a moment the basic fact of the life process whereby food is burned by the body to give energy, while carbon dioxide (C02) and hydrogen (H2) are created. CO2 is discharged from the lungs when we exhale, and H2 combines with oxygen to form water which is discharged in the urine and sweat. As mentioned previously, hydrogen may be referred to as a positive ion, which is as useless to the body as dust clogging the workings of a machine.

To insure that the body functions normally, hydrogen must be removed, but for complete removal a large quantity of oxygen is needed. The Germanium compound with its strong dehydrogenating effect takes the place of oxygen in combining with hydrogen to eliminate the latter from the body.

As part of another experiment, tests were conducted on the effect of the Germanium compound on the respiratory tissues of a group of mice using the Warburg method. Results obtained showed a remarkable decrease of oxygen consumption in the diaphragm and liver, clear indication that the compound acted as a substitute for oxygen in combining with hydrogen. By the dehydrogenating or oxidising action of the compound, not only hydrogen ions are removed from the blood, but abnormal proteins and other foreign matter are also removed. The oxidizing effect of the compound thus serves to purify the blood.

Nanomedicine is the medical application of nanotechnology

Nanomedicine is the medical application of nanotechnology.[1] The approaches to nanomedicine range from the medical use of nanomaterials, to nanoelectronic biosensors, and even possible future applications of molecular nanotechnology. Current problems for nanomedicine involve understanding the issues related to toxicity and environmental impact of nanoscale materials.

Nanomedicine research is receiving funding from the US National Institute of Health. Of note is the funding in 2005 of a five-year plan to set up four nanomedicine centers. In April 2006, the journal Nature Materials estimated that 130 nanotech-based drugs and delivery systems were being developed worldwide.[2]Contents [hide]
1 Overview
2 Medical use of nanomaterials
2.1 Drug delivery
3 Protein and peptide delivery
3.1 Cancer
3.2 Surgery
3.3 Visualization
3.4 Nanoparticle targeting
4 Neuro-electronic interfaces
5 Medical applications of molecular nanotechnology
5.1 Nanorobots
5.2 Cell repair machines
5.3 Nanonephrology
6 See also
7 Notes
8 References
9 External links
9.1 Journals


Nanomedicine seeks to deliver a valuable set of research tools and clinically helpful devices in the near future.[3][4] The National Nanotechnology Initiative expects new commercial applications in the pharmaceutical industry that may include advanced drug delivery systems, new therapies, and in vivo imaging.[5] Neuro-electronic interfaces and other nanoelectronics-based sensors are another active goal of research. Further down the line, the speculative field of molecular nanotechnology believes that cell repair machines could revolutionize medicine and the medical field.

Nanomedicine is a large industry, with nanomedicine sales reaching 6.8 billion dollars in 2004, and with over 200 companies and 38 products worldwide, a minimum of 3.8 billion dollars in nanotechnology R&D is being invested every year.[6] As the nanomedicine industry continues to grow, it is expected to have a significant impact on the economy.
Medical use of nanomaterials
Drug delivery

Nanomedical approaches to drug delivery center on developing nanoscale particles or molecules to improve the bioavailability of a drug. Bioavailability refers to the presence of drug molecules where they are needed in the body and where they will do the most good. Drug delivery focuses on maximizing bioavailability both at specific places in the body and over a period of time. This will be achieved by molecular targeting by nanoengineered devices.[7][8] It is all about targeting the molecules and delivering drugs with cell precision. More than $65 billion are wasted each year due to poor bioavailability. In vivo imaging is another area where tools and devices are being developed. Using nanoparticle contrast agents, images such as ultrasound and MRI have a favorable distribution and improved contrast. The new methods of nanoengineered materials that are being developed might be effective in treating illnesses and diseases such as cancer. What nanoscientists will be able to achieve in the future is beyond current imagination. This will be accomplished by self assembled biocompatible nanodevices that will detect, evaluate, treat and report to the clinical doctor automatically.

Drug delivery systems, lipid- or polymer-based nanoparticles, can be designed to improve the pharmacological and therapeutic properties of drugs.[9] The strength of drug delivery systems is their ability to alter the pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of the drug. Nanoparticles have unusual properties that can be used to improve drug delivery. Where larger particles would have been cleared from the body, cells take up these nanoparticles because of their size. Complex drug delivery mechanisms are being developed, including the ability to get drugs through cell membranes and into cell cytoplasm. Efficiency is important because many diseases depend upon processes within the cell and can only be impeded by drugs that make their way into the cell. Triggered response is one way for drug molecules to be used more efficiently. Drugs are placed in the body and only activate on encountering a particular signal. For example, a drug with poor solubility will be replaced by a drug delivery system where both hydrophilic and hydrophobic environments exist, improving the solubility. Also, a drug may cause tissue damage, but with drug delivery, regulated drug release can eliminate the problem. If a drug is cleared too quickly from the body, this could force a patient to use high doses, but with drug delivery systems clearance can be reduced by altering the pharmacokinetics of the drug. Poor biodistribution is a problem that can affect normal tissues through widespread distribution, but the particulates from drug delivery systems lower the volume of distribution and reduce the effect on non-target tissue. Potential nanodrugs will work by very specific and well-understood mechanisms; one of the major impacts of nanotechnology and nanoscience will be in leading development of completely new drugs with more useful behavior and less side effects.
Protein and peptide delivery

Protein and peptides exert multiple biological actions in human body and they have been identified as showing great promise for treatment of various diseases and disorders. These macromolecules are called biopharmaceuticals. Targeted and/or controlled delivery of these biopharmaceuticals using nanomaterials like nanoparticles and Dendrimers is an emerging field called nanobiopharmaceutics, and these products are called nanobiopharmaceuticals.

A schematic illustration showing how nanoparticles or other cancer drugs might be used to treat cancer.

The small size of nanoparticles endows them with properties that can be very useful in oncology, particularly in imaging. Quantum dots (nanoparticles with quantum confinement properties, such as size-tunable light emission), when used in conjunction with MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), can produce exceptional images of tumor sites. These nanoparticles are much brighter than organic dyes and only need one light source for excitation. This means that the use of fluorescent quantum dots could produce a higher contrast image and at a lower cost than today's organic dyes used as contrast media. The downside, however, is that quantum dots are usually made of quite toxic elements.

Another nanoproperty, high surface area to volume ratio, allows many functional groups to be attached to a nanoparticle, which can seek out and bind to certain tumor cells. Additionally, the small size of nanoparticles (10 to 100 nanometers), allows them to preferentially accumulate at tumor sites (because tumors lack an effective lymphatic drainage system). A very exciting research question is how to make these imaging nanoparticles do more things for cancer. For instance, is it possible to manufacture multifunctional nanoparticles that would detect, image, and then proceed to treat a tumor? This question is under vigorous investigation; the answer to which could shape the future of cancer treatment.[10] A promising new cancer treatment that may one day replace radiation and chemotherapy is edging closer to human trials. Kanzius RF therapy attaches microscopic nanoparticles to cancer cells and then "cooks" tumors inside the body with radio waves that heat only the nanoparticles and the adjacent (cancerous) cells.

Sensor test chips containing thousands of nanowires, able to detect proteins and other biomarkers left behind by cancer cells, could enable the detection and diagnosis of cancer in the early stages from a few drops of a patient's blood.[11]

The basic point to use drug delivery is based upon three facts: a) efficient encapsulation of the drugs, b) successful delivery of said drugs to the targeted region of the body, and c) successful release of that drug there.

Researchers at Rice University under Prof. Jennifer West, have demonstrated the use of 120 nm diameter nanoshells coated with gold to kill cancer tumors in mice. The nanoshells can be targeted to bond to cancerous cells by conjugating antibodies or peptides to the nanoshell surface. By irradiating the area of the tumor with an infrared laser, which passes through flesh without heating it, the gold is heated sufficiently to cause death to the cancer cells.[12]

Additionally, John Kanzius has invented a radio machine which uses a combination of radio waves and carbon or gold nanoparticles to destroy cancer cells.

Nanoparticles of cadmium selenide (quantum dots) glow when exposed to ultraviolet light. When injected, they seep into cancer tumors. The surgeon can see the glowing tumor, and use it as a guide for more accurate tumor removal.

One scientist, University of Michigan’s James Baker, believes he has discovered a highly efficient and successful way of delivering cancer-treatment drugs that is less harmful to the surrounding body. Baker has developed a nanotechnology that can locate and then eliminate cancerous cells. He looks at a molecule called a dendrimer. This molecule has over one hundred hooks on it that allow it to attach to cells in the body for a variety of purposes. Baker then attaches folic-acid to a few of the hooks (folic-acid, being a vitamin, is received by cells in the body). Cancer cells have more vitamin receptors than normal cells, so Baker's vitamin-laden dendrimer will be absorbed by the cancer cell. To the rest of the hooks on the dendrimer, Baker places anti-cancer drugs that will be absorbed with the dendrimer into the cancer cell, thereby delivering the cancer drug to the cancer cell and nowhere else (Bullis 2006).[13]

In photodynamic therapy, a particle is placed within the body and is illuminated with light from the outside. The light gets absorbed by the particle and if the particle is metal, energy from the light will heat the particle and surrounding tissue. Light may also be used to produce high energy oxygen molecules which will chemically react with and destroy most organic molecules that are next to them (like tumors). This therapy is appealing for many reasons. It does not leave a “toxic trail” of reactive molecules throughout the body (chemotherapy) because it is directed where only the light is shined and the particles exist. Photodynamic therapy has potential for a noninvasive procedure for dealing with diseases, growths, and tumors.

At Rice University, a flesh welder is used to fuse two pieces of chicken meat into a single piece. The two pieces of chicken are placed together touching. A greenish liquid containing gold-coated nanoshells is dribbled along the seam. An infrared laser is traced along the seam, causing the two sides to weld together. This could solve the difficulties and blood leaks caused when the surgeon tries to restitch the arteries s/he has cut during a kidney or heart transplant. The flesh welder could weld the artery perfectly.

Tracking movement can help determine how well drugs are being distributed or how substances are metabolized. It is difficult to track a small group of cells throughout the body, so scientists used to dye the cells. These dyes needed to be excited by light of a certain wavelength in order for them to light up. While different color dyes absorb different frequencies of light, there was a need for as many light sources as cells. A way around this problem is with luminescent tags. These tags are quantum dots attached to proteins that penetrate cell membranes. The dots can be random in size, can be made of bio-inert material, and they demonstrate the nanoscale property that color is size-dependent. As a result, sizes are selected so that the frequency of light used to make a group of quantum dots fluoresce is an even multiple of the frequency required to make another group incandesce. Then both groups can be lit with a single light source.
Nanoparticle targeting

It is greatly observed that nanoparticles are promising tools for the advancement of drug delivery, medical imaging, and as diagnostic sensors.[who?] However, the biodistribution of these nanoparticles is mostly unknown due to the difficulty in targeting specific organs in the body. Current research in the excretory systems of mice, however, shows the ability of gold composites to selectively target certain organs based on their size and charge. These composites are encapsulated by a dendrimer and assigned a specific charge and size. Positively-charged gold nanoparticles were found to enter the kidneys while negatively-charged gold nanoparticles remained in the liver and spleen. It is suggested that the positive surface charge of the nanoparticle decreases the rate of osponization of nanoparticles in the liver, thus affecting the excretory pathway. Even at a relatively small size of 5 nm , though, these particles can become compartmentalized in the peripheral tissues, and will therefore accumulate in the body over time. While advancement of research proves that targeting and distribution can be augmented by nanoparticles, the dangers of nanotoxicity become an important next step in further understanding of their medical uses.[14]
Neuro-electronic interfaces

Neuro-electronic interfacing is a visionary goal dealing with the construction of nanodevices that will permit computers to be joined and linked to the nervous system. This idea requires the building of a molecular structure that will permit control and detection of nerve impulses by an external computer. The computers will be able to interpret, register, and respond to signals the body gives off when it feels sensations. The demand for such structures is huge because many diseases involve the decay of the nervous system (ALS and multiple sclerosis). Also, many injuries and accidents may impair the nervous system resulting in dysfunctional systems and paraplegia. If computers could control the nervous system through neuro-electronic interface, problems that impair the system could be controlled so that effects of diseases and injuries could be overcome. Two considerations must be made when selecting the power source for such applications. They are refuelable and nonrefuelable strategies. A refuelable strategy implies energy is refilled continuously or periodically with external sonic, chemical, tethered, magnetic, or electrical sources. A nonrefuelable strategy implies that all power is drawn from internal energy storage which would stop when all energy is drained.

One limitation to this innovation is the fact that electrical interference is a possibility. Electric fields, electromagnetic pulses (EMP), and stray fields from other in vivo electrical devices can all cause interference. Also, thick insulators are required to prevent electron leakage, and if high conductivity of the in vivo medium occurs there is a risk of sudden power loss and “shorting out.” Finally, thick wires are also needed to conduct substantial power levels without overheating. Little practical progress has been made even though research is happening. The wiring of the structure is extremely difficult because they must be positioned precisely in the nervous system so that it is able to monitor and respond to nervous signals. The structures that will provide the interface must also be compatible with the body’s immune system so that they will remain unaffected in the body for a long time.[15] In addition, the structures must also sense ionic currents and be able to cause currents to flow backward. While the potential for these structures is amazing, there is no timetable for when they will be available.
Medical applications of molecular nanotechnology

Molecular nanotechnology is a speculative subfield of nanotechnology regarding the possibility of engineering molecular assemblers, machines which could re-order matter at a molecular or atomic scale. Molecular nanotechnology is highly theoretical, seeking to anticipate what inventions nanotechnology might yield and to propose an agenda for future inquiry. The proposed elements of molecular nanotechnology, such as molecular assemblers and nanorobots are far beyond current capabilities.

The somewhat speculative claims about the possibility of using nanorobots[16] in medicine, advocates say, would totally change the world of medicine once it is realized. Nanomedicine[1][15] would make use of these nanorobots (e.g., Computational Genes), introduced into the body, to repair or detect damages and infections. According to Robert Freitas of the Institute for Molecular Manufacturing, a typical blood borne medical nanorobot would be between 0.5-3 micrometres in size, because that is the maximum size possible due to capillary passage requirement. Carbon could be the primary element used to build these nanorobots due to the inherent strength and other characteristics of some forms of carbon (diamond/fullerene composites), and nanorobots would be fabricated in desktop nanofactories [17] specialized for this purpose.

Nanodevices could be observed at work inside the body using MRI, especially if their components were manufactured using mostly 13C atoms rather than the natural 12C isotope of carbon, since 13C has a nonzero nuclear magnetic moment. Medical nanodevices would first be injected into a human body, and would then go to work in a specific organ or tissue mass. The doctor will monitor the progress, and make certain that the nanodevices have gotten to the correct target treatment region. The doctor will also be able to scan a section of the body, and actually see the nanodevices congregated neatly around their target (a tumor mass, etc.) so that he or she can be sure that the procedure was successful.
Cell repair machines This article may contain original research or unverified claims. Please improve the article by adding references. See the talk page for details. (January 2009)

Using drugs and surgery, doctors can only encourage tissues to repair themselves. With molecular machines, there will be more direct repairs.[18] Cell repair will utilize the same tasks that living systems already prove possible. Access to cells is possible because biologists can stick needles into cells without killing them. Thus, molecular machines are capable of entering the cell. Also, all specific biochemical interactions show that molecular systems can recognize other molecules by touch, build or rebuild every molecule in a cell, and can disassemble damaged molecules. Finally, cells that replicate prove that molecular systems can assemble every system found in a cell. Therefore, since nature has demonstrated the basic operations needed to perform molecular-level cell repair, in the future, nanomachine based systems will be built that are able to enter cells, sense differences from healthy ones and make modifications to the structure.

The possibilities of these cell repair machines are impressive. Comparable to the size of viruses or bacteria, their compact parts would allow them to be more complex. The early machines will be specialized. As they open and close cell membranes or travel through tissue and enter cells and viruses, machines will only be able to correct a single molecular disorder like DNA damage or enzyme deficiency. Later, cell repair machines will be programmed with more abilities with the help of advanced AI systems.

Nanocomputers will be needed to guide these machines. These computers will direct machines to examine, take apart, and rebuild damaged molecular structures. Repair machines will be able to repair whole cells by working structure by structure. Then by working cell by cell and tissue by tissue, whole organs can be repaired. Finally, by working organ by organ, health is restored to the body. Cells damaged to the point of inactivity can be repaired because of the ability of molecular machines to build cells from scratch. Therefore, cell repair machines will free medicine from reliance on self repair alone.

Nanonephrology is a branch of nanomedicine and nanotechnology that deals with 1) the study of kidney protein structures at the atomic level; 2) nano-imaging approaches to study cellular processes in kidney cells; and 3) nano medical treatments that utilize nanoparticles and to treat various kidney diseases. The creation and use of materials and devices at the molecular and atomic levels that can be used for the diagnosis and therapy of renal diseases is also a part of Nanonephrology that will play a role in the management of patients with kidney disease in the future. Advances in Nanonephrology will be based on discoveries in the above areas that can provide nano-scale information on the cellular molecular machinery involved in normal kidney processes and in pathological states. By understanding the physical and chemical properties of proteins and other macromolecules at the atomic level in various cells in the kidney, novel therapeutic approaches can be designed to combat major renal diseases. The nano-scale artificial kidney is a goal that many physicians dream of. Nano-scale engineering advances will permit programmable and controllable nano-scale robots to execute curative and reconstructive procedures in the human kidney at the cellular and molecular levels. Designing nanostructures compatible with the kidney cells and that can safely operate in vivo is also a future goal. The ability to direct events in a controlled fashion at the cellular nano-level has the potential of significantly improving the lives of patients with kidney diseases.

