Sunday, December 27, 2009

Healing with Negative Ions and Far Infrared Energy with Germanium.

Germanium jewelry is already well known in Japan and throughout Asia. In the US, men and women, golfers, baseball players, and other sports pros wear them - now you can, too.

"...For a positive psychological state, negative ion exposure appeared to be associated with feeling better about self, less sensitive, and more responsive or innervated (energized)."
--Dr. Bob Arnot in an interview with Connie Chung on CBS news

Humans in modern society experience a great deal of mental stress and are constantly being bombarded with increasing levels of EMF/ELF radiation generated by computer, cell phone, and many other electronic devices. Besides, pollutants in the air and chemicals in our food and drinks often become free radicals that constantly invade healthy cells in our body. As a result, the bio-electric current in the body is often in disarray.

Titanium, germanium, magnetite, black tourmaline and many other mineral elements possess special electrical characteristics that can help reorganize and stabilize the disorderly bio-electric activity in the human body. By using these products, electric energy of the red blood cells become normalized and electrically balanced, so they no longer bundle into clusters. When red blood cells operates independently, it is much more efficient in transporting oxygen and nutrients.

Gaia Rhythms jewelry utilizes a combination of specific earth elements that release negative ions and help balance the body. Not only beautiful, jewelry is also a powerful all-in-one health booster.

Germanium jewelry may assist with:

Enhanced relaxation
Increased serotonin levels
Overall sense of well-being
Increased alertness
Feeling energized
Free radicals being neutralized
Strengthened immune system
Removing toxins and other wastes
Improved blood circulation
Increased sports performance
Relieving Pain
Easing joint stiffness
EMF balance and protection

Far Infra-Red Rays

Far Infra-red is the invisible band of energy that is part of the sun’s spectrum. Far Infra red is the segment that provides the greatest output from the sun and, as the safest energy waves, is most beneficial to life. Germanium has the ability to emit a high percentage of far-infrared-rays that penetrate deep into the human body. When Far Infra-red rays penetrate human tissue, the resulting vibrations cause a thermal reaction which elevates tissue temperatures. The body responds to this by dilating all the blood vessels regardless of size, thus increasing bloodflow.

Far Infrared therapy assists with tissue revitalization because of the improved circulation. It dilates the capillaries, supports blood flow and helps to improve oxygen levels. Stored toxins such as chemicals and heavy metals can then be easily flushed out and a higher level of health in the cells can be gained.

Negative Ions

Negative ions are created naturally in nature by the energy associated with waterfalls, rolling surf and lightning. Negative ions are negatively charged particles formed when enough energy acts on a molecule to eject an electron. The displaced electron then attaches itself to a nearby molecule, which then becomes a Negative Ion. Negative ions can have a refreshing effect on the body; similar to the experience you would have if you were standing next to a waterfall. Negative ions can also produce a calming effect on the mind and support immune function.


Germanium is a crucial factor in the constituents . Germanium is a very important semi-conductor that releases negative ions when its temperature reaches 89.6° F. When germanium comes in contact with our skin, it releases negative ions into our body. The negative ions proceed to neutralize the positive ions that are stressful to our body. Germanium ions may also enhance immune function, balance and protect against the effects of EMF radiation, and balance disorderly bio-electric activity.

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