Friday, January 8, 2010

ZeroPoint Energy Tools Our Latest Findings:Written by Werner Brandmaier

Last September I took the opportunity to write about ZeroPoint Energy. I was so intrigued by our early test observations that I decided to attend a ZeroPoint conference in Phoenix a few weeks later. Since then I have applied ZeroPoint tools in many cases of balancing and grounding individuals’ constitution increasing their personal energy, boosting the energy of their food, even neutralizing the electro-magnetic pollution from cell phones, computers and other electronic gadgets.

ZeroPoint energy tools utilize a technology where a specific informational charge is applied in the form of “blueprint frequencies.” Blueprint frequencies are the initial vibration pattern of any cell, following a master plan, the original perfect form from which they develop. When a person is born, cells develop into a planned design, like a mold, or into a destination, if you will. A liver cell, for example, does not just divide and grow into anything; it “knows” exactly what it’s supposed to become to optimally fulfill its “job.”

In a person’s lifetime the maximum physical performance is assumed in their early 20’s. Unfortunately before he/she even attains their peak, the daily stress from environmental factors, acquired lifestyle habits and mental attitudes, hinder the body’s ability to succeed and the body begins its downward spiral even at that early age.

Deterioration hastens through many factors: physical stressors such as junk food, a toxic environment (air and water pollution), bad habits such as smoking, alcohol, drug abuse, even poor sleeping patterns.

Additional strains are energetically based, caused by today’s technology in the form of electro-magnetic fields from cell phones, video games, computers, many household appliances and even cars. In fact, just driving today’s cars, filled with microprocessors and computers, is quite draining. Flying in an airplane builds up the same amount of electro stress as having 60 active cell phones strapped to your body (no wonder one feels jetlagged after a 6-hour flight). On top of that, earth energy patterns known as geopathic stress, accelerate cell aging and contribute to many “modern” illnesses, from allergies to chronic fatigue, MS and even cancer.

All these stressors lead to a “natural” degeneration by exposing renewing cells to disharmonic frequency patterns and altering their original information in the process. If you’ll remember: Everything is Energy! A healthy body vibrates in a specific pattern; for example, a specific heart rate, body temperature, brainwave pattern, etc. If those frequencies are altered, the frequency pattern changes. The heart rate might go up, the body temperature may increase, and we may get a headache or experience anxiety.

One of the foundational principles in wave oscillation is the Resonance Principle. If close frequencies vibrate next to each other, the strongest one pulls the other ones in until they are all in tune. Close frequencies cannot exist separately next to each other. Here is an example you can try for yourself: Find a group of people, the more the better, and let them all hum a tone of their choice. Within less than a minute the entire group will be humming one common note (including its natural harmonics).

This effect is the basic element for many healing arts, from “singing” crystal bowls, to flower remedies and homeopathy to Chinese healing lamps. Expose a body, which is out of sync, with the original healthy frequency spectrum just long enough, and the self-healing mechanism will shift itself into a state of good health. What a wonderful concept.

The ZeroPoint energy tools work like that, too. Acting as “energetic pacemakers” they consistently radiate healthy blueprint information towards all the cells in the body. Dissonant patterns, which are out of tune (and therefore sick) slowly and gently switch back to healthy ones. Sometimes it takes a while, but it always works.

At a recent expo in New York, where often-exceptional healers came by our booth, a very gifted young clairvoyant woman described the changes in her mother’s aura field while her Mom was holding a ZeroPoint pendant. She saw a bright field of light around her mother’s body connecting with “the other side.” When her mother asked what she meant by that, she added: “You know, Mom, not just the angels, the other side, the infinite.” She then described how the pendant at the same time connects the carrier to a grounding earth grid system, which seems to cause the strong physical balancing effect as demonstrated with the “Toy Soldier Balance Test”. (See September issue online at

A minute later she mentioned the body was starting to reject bacteria in the intestinal area. “Bad bacteria only,” she explained. This makes sense, as bacteria are definitely vibrating with dissonant frequency patterns. If the positive resonance impact of a healthy spectrum is strong enough germs only have one of two choices: They either leave the body or have to switch back into a healthy cellular form. Professor Antoine Bechamp, a French scientist and researcher in the late 19th century, described this phenomenon as “pleo-morphism” – the many different forms that cells change into, depending on the milieu, the cellular environment and its pH (alkaline-acid balance). Check out the book: The Blood and its Third Element by Antoine Bechamp.

This brings us back to our blood, the substance, that defines the state of our health. ZeroPoint energy tools are instruments that enhance the overall well-being on the vibrational level, adding attuned frequencies to every aspect of the body; muscular frequencies to muscle cells, brain frequencies to brain cells, and effective, subtle harmonious patterns to blood cells. We recently did some amazing experiments on my own blood, documented with live-blood microscopy, which I will likely discuss in a future article.

However, from my experience, personally and professionally, this is certainly a technology worthy of our attention and further experimentation. I have already incorporated ZeroPoint technologies into my own personal regime and that of my family, as well as introduced them to friends and clients with overwhelmingly positive response.
Werner Brandmaier Dipl.Ing., a medical engineer and a citizen of Austria, studied with prominent international Feng Shui masters and trained in Germany to practice dowsing and geopathology. Werner offers consultations for homes and businesses and teaches workshops and seminars. He is a member of the International Feng Shui Guild and the American Society of Dowsers. You may contact Werner at (207) 772-7888 or \n


Feng Shui (pronounced "fung shway"), literally meaning wind and water, is a 5000-year-old Chinese art and science explaining the relationship between people and their environment.

Feng Shui is of course very popular in the Far East. In recent years Fortune 500 companies in Europe and the US have discovered this old knowledge and take advantage now by redesigning their headquarters and their offices based on Feng Shui principles. British Airways built their new offices for 3000 people under the guidance of a Feng Shui Consultant. Corporations like IBM, Siemens, Donald Trump, the Hyatt Hotel Group, among others, rely on Feng Shui.

The main principle of Feng Shui

Two traditional schools in Feng Shui

Analytical School of Feng Shui

Institute of Feng Shui & Geopathology

The main principle of Feng Shui is QI or CHI (pronounced "chee"), the life force pervading everything. The same way Chinese Medicine describes the Qi flow along the meridians within the body, FENG SHUI depicts the flow of Qi in the outside world, in a landscape, a house or an office.

Through the ages masters learned how to read these energy patterns and how to benefit by orienting buildings in a particular direction, design gardens and entrances in a positive way and lead the Qi moderately through all rooms to stimulate specific aspects in an individual's life.

The quality of Qi is expressed through form, shape, color, direction, time, and the feeling it generates within us.

There are numerous approaches to describe the world of energies and their influence on our well-being. Students of Feng Shui are often confused about contradicting advice coming from the different schools within Feng Shui.

The two traditional schools in FENG SHUI are the FORM SCHOOL, the study of the forms and the flow of Qi, and the COMPASS SCHOOL, the description of the different qualities of the Qi, which are dependent on compass directions and the aspect of time. Numerous systems as the East/West-System, the Eight Mansions, Flying Stars, Pillars of Destiny, etc., all derive their calculations from the compass direction of the house, the orientation of the entrance, the time the building was completed, and the birth dates of its occupants.

One of the modern versions of this ancient knowledge is the BLACK HAT SECT FENG SHUI of Professor Lin Yun, who taught Feng Shui for many years in California. His teachings are based on the energy a person brings with him into a house. His 3-Door-BAGUA, a simplified version of the traditional BAGUA (ba = eight, gua = trigrams), orients itself after the entrance of a room while the traditional BAGUA requires a specific compass direction.

Another more recent western school was established in Germany by Wilhelm Gerstung and Jens Mehlhase, M.D., with their ANALYTICAL SCHOOL OF FENG SHUI, which integrates Western Geomancy and traditional methods of Dowsing. For many years Gerstung and Mehlhase researched the quality of energies and their basic structure and finally developed a number of tools to shield agains Geopathic Stress and balance unfortunate Feng Shui situations.

We are fortunate to be able to offer the most effective Feng Shui products as their US distributor.

In our understanding, the various interpretations of all these schools and systems superimpose and all have an impact on the final picture. None of them, however, is the only true system!

The INSTITUTE OF FENG SHUI & GEOPATHOLOGY integrates Form School and several systems of the Compass School, as well as the western tradition of Geopathology, the study of the influences of earthlines and underground watercourses on our health.

We offer consultations for private homes, as well as offices and businesses, and present seminars and workshops (events) on Feng Shui and Geopathology.

Geopathic Stress analysis

A number of medical studies in Germany over the last 70 years show a well-founded correlation between chronic health problems and Geopathic Stress zones. Over a period of time, these noxious energies not only drain a person's Qi, but block the effectiveness of any medical treatment, both those of traditional medicine, as well as of alternative methods.

Typical early signs of a weakened defense system are sleeping problems (insomnia, often nightmares, especially with children), a constant state of exhaustion, allergies, skin problems, asthma, migraines and back pain. Over time more serious chronic health problems and even heart disease or cancer may develop.
(Study of 8200 patients: Kopschina, Daun - GEOPATHOLOGY: The pathological effect of geopathic stress - Earth rays, Electro-smog and Environmental stress. Germany 1995)

Geopathic Stress alone does not cause an illness such as cancer but rather unceasingly weakens the body's defense system, which over time and in connection with other stress factors leads to a collapse of the immune functions of the body.

However, without a Geopathic Stress analysis at the beginning of any Feng Shui consultation all further efforts concerning balancing the energies will fail or at least be diminished and true health cannot be assured!

Geopathic Stress (= stress caused by earth related disharmonies) forces cells into an acidic state as all stresses do. The acidic terrain then is the real origin of illness. It is a perfect environment for virus and bacteria to settle, creating further imbalances such as yiest, fungus, mold and other disturbances. The body needs to compensate even more and gets deeper and deeper into trouble.

Our approach therefore is to stop any cause for stress, regardless of its origin:

> Earthbound stress by addressing and shielding Geopathic stress (with Feng Shui).
>> Nutritional stress by choosing a healthier and more alkaline diet.
>>> Emotional stress through meditation, positive thinking and paths of spiritual growth.


GEOPATHOLOGY is the study of the nature of earthlines, underground water courses, earthfaults and energy vortexes, and their effect on our health and well-being. Methods of how to avoid these areas and how to shield against them are described.

GEOPATHIC STRESS is a term that includes harmful energies of all kinds, natural grids, earth fault lines and water veins, as well as the electromagnetic fields (EMF) of power lines and many household appliances (microwaves, TVs, radios) with a special emphasis on cellphones, computers and computer monitors. (Electro-smog)
How can somebody detect Geopathic Stress zones and EMFs (electro-magnetic fields)?

How to shield earthlines and noxious earth energies?

What are the different energy characteristics of Geopathic Stress zones?

A quick questionnaire for possible signs of Geopathic stress!


With a better understanding of the different types of subtle structures (The Complete Health Handbook by Gerstung/Mehlhase, M.D.) and with some good practice of dowsing, many people are able to detect these grid systems themselves. We've made the search for Geopathic Stress zones an important part of our consultation work and also offer a seminar specifically on this topic. Please check our seminar calendar at events.

We use electronic instruments whenever technology offers a practical solution to detect and measure Electro-smog as electrical, magnetical and high-frequency fields. To measure the effect of any of these harmful energies on one's body and on one's subtle energy field (AURA) we use Dowsing and a method called AK-Testing (Applied Kinesiology).


First rule is always to avoid these spots altogether. Move your bed or work place, if possible.

If a change of position is not possible, some natural materials can be used with different degrees of shielding effect depending on the material - and even the brand used. In older times straw mattresses and stamped clay floors provided a natural shielding. New building materials, such as concrete, unfortunately, give very little protection. The German authors, Wilhelm Gerstung and Jens Mehlhase, M.D., have spent years of their research investigating and describing these energies and materials to shield them. (see The Complete Feng Shui Health Handbook ,Gerstung / Mehlhase, M.D.)

Their latest development is a number of products called Feng Shui Power Products. Most popular are the Feng Shui Power Disc 99 for shielding a whole house, the Feng Shui Personal Server for the personal protection and the E-Smog Server to take care of the effects of EMF's (electromagnetic fields) of cellphones and computers.

Nearly everyone has experienced the draining feeling after a few hours on the computer. We now are able to demonstrate with a very effective method the weakening of a person's energy next to a computer and how immediately it recovers after applying our devices.

If you would like to experience this yourself please visit us at one of the expos at our events calendar.


Traditional dowsers are looking first for harmful energy above underground watercourses.

Researchers from the middle of the last century describe noxious earth energies within different three-dimensional grid systems, mostly oriented North-South and East-West:

2 ½ x 2 Meter Grid (8 ½ x 6 ½ ft.) or Hartmann-Grid, first described by Dr. Ernst Hartmann, M.D.

10 x 10 Meter Grid (30 x 30 ft.) called Benker-Grid after Anton Benker, a German dowser

170 x 170 Meter Grid (550 x 550 ft.), carrying a specific energy similar to that above water veins

250 x 250 Meter Grid (800 x 800 ft.), the grid with the strongest negative potential

400 x 400 Meter Grid (1,300 x 1,300 ft.), with side lines 100 ft. on each side of the main structure

3.6 x 3.6 Meter diagonal Grid (12 x 12 ft.) or Curry-Grid, after Dr. Manfred Curry, M.D.

Earth fault lines emanate harmful energy above the area of fracture

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) have a strong draining effect on biological systems, caused by disturbances of:

Power lines feeding into a house

Electrical appliances, mostly through the transformers, but also microwave ovens

TVs and computer monitors

Office equipment: computers, fax machines, copy machines, etc.

Mobile telephones and cellphones
Please find more information on EMF at Electro-Smog.

For a more detailed description of health issues or the size and consistency of the different grid systems, please see The Complete Feng Shui Health Handbook by Gerstung/Mehlhase, M.D.

How is your sleep? Do you feel rested and fresh in the morning?

Do you need a long time to fall asleep?

Do you regularly wake up during the night (especially between 2 and 5 am)?

If you have any small children in your family, how do they sleep? Is a baby always moving to one side or corner of the bed? Does he/she have nightmares?

Does a baby cry for prolonged periods of time for no apparent reason?

How is the concentration of your children at school?

Are there any chronic health issues you or a member of your family has to cope with?

Is there a history of cancer in your family?

Do you see signs of abnormal growth on trees or bushes around your house?

Do you have problems with ants or other insects in your house?

Does your cat prefer a special spot on your bed or favourite TV chair?

Does your house have an indoor pool or do you sleep in a water bed?

Is your home heated by a floor heating system?

Do you keep a TV next to your bed?

Do you feel drained after spending time in front of your computer?

Do your children spend hours on their cellphone or with their computer games?

Do you sleep next to a radio or radio clock with red numbers?

Institute of Feng Shui & Geopathology:Werner Brandmaier

The Institute of Feng Shui & Geopathology integrates the Form School ( the study of the forms and flow of Qi), the Compass School and Advanced Flying Stars ( the calculation of beneficial directions and time aspects), as well as the Western tradition of Geopathology (the study of the influences of earthlines and underground watercourses on our health and well-being).

Our mission is to explain the basic principles of Feng Shui from an energetic perspective more than from that of a necessary believer. We use dowsing and AK (Applied Kinesiology - muscle testing) in our research and work, as well as a Quantum Biofeedback computer to detect Geopathic stress and to work on the energy of a house and the Health of it's residents.

We are located in Portland, Maine, and offer Feng Shui Consultations for businesses and residential clients all over New England. Special guidance for Real Estate questions complete our services.

As a Feng Shui Consultant with the technical background in electrical engineering, my personal interest is the clear demonstration of the effect of house and land energies on a person's subtle system and the introduction of new protective energetic devices.

The Media button leads to a series of articles titled "Colors of Feng Shui", which were originally published in New England's popular holistic magazine "Inner Tapestry". A wide variety includes topics such as "Feng Shui and Health", "The Bagua", "Clutter Clearing", "Space Clearing", "Feng Shui in the bedroom", "Feng Shui in the garden", "If a house doesn't sell" and many more. In addition to that, you might also want to read, what the press says about the Institute of Feng Shui.

Plus, we offer a number of unique Products from dowsing instruments and energy enhancers to Geopathic stress shields such as the Feng Shui Power Disc or the E-Smog Server to protect from the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) of cellphones and computers.

Our latest favorites (read article) are devices which enhance blueprint frequencies and information.
ZEROPOINT energy tools strengthen physical balance and endurance, re-vitalize water and food, deepen one's sleep, they even counterbalance emotional stress!

Dowsing Explained:by Walt Woods with Marin Gazzaniga

We are all skeptics and want a rational explanation for how walking along with a simple tree branch in the shape of a Y can lead someone to the perfect spot to dig a well, or how holding a pendulum over a map can locate a lost plane. So I always like to introduce newcomers to the amazing world of dowsing with some research and theories about how dowsing might work. I find this helps people when they start out because, first of all, in order to get results, it's important to believe that dowsing can work. And having some understanding of how it might work usually helps beginners to believe. Also, it takes some of the "spook" out of it!

You can make your own pendulum out of a favorite talisman: a cross, ring, pendulum, cork, or crystal. Just hang it securely and evenly from a chain or even a string. Sometimes a person might feel most comfortable working with an instrument of his own making, with an object of special, personal significance.

There have been many attempts to explain the often mind-boggling results that dowsers can get, but no single explanation has been agreed upon. Skeptics have suggested that when dowsers locate a precise spot to drill a well, they are responding to the physical terrain of a place without realizing it, instinctively knowing where water will be found beneath the ground based on clues from the land above. Some believe that it must be an external force that guides the instruments, rather than an internal force that emanates from the person dowsing. But this doesn't explain why some dowsers don't need an instrument, they just tune in to physiological changes they feel in their body when they dowse, and let these changes guide them.

The most likely explanation is that dowsing is the ability to tune in to some force that science has not yet identified. For instance, water and the items that dowsers find may have a natural magnetic, electromagnetic, or other unknown energy to which dowsers are able to attune their instruments. A fairly simple science experiment shows how moving water can cause electricity to flow. Water drops moving down a wire will rake off enough electrons to cause a small neon bulb to flash--a requirement of over 68 volts. (You experience something similar when you slide across a plastic seat and get an electric shock when you touch someone.) Water flowing underground also causes some kind of electric current. Any time electricity flows in any kind of conductor, it creates an electromagnetic field. What if this field could then be picked up by internal sensors that we all have?

Is it possible that we have sensory systems that we are not consciously aware of? Back in 1983, a neurophysiologist at the V.A. Medical Center in Loma Linda, California, reported observing effects from electric fields only one-millionth as strong as those formerly considered threshold levels in humans. This was news to most scientists, but not to many dowsers! Dowsers have frequently conducted experiments at dowsing conventions in which they passed electricity through ground, and found they could easily pick up the resulting electromagnetic energies. Scientists have identified three sensors that can pick up this electromagnetic information. One is near or in the pituitary gland (in the brain), and there is one on each adrenal gland (near each kidney). The theory is that by comparing the information from these three internal sensory points, the brain can determine both the distance and direction of an electromagnetic source without our conscious awareness--much in the way the brain uses the two eyes to calculate how far away an object is, another thing the brain does without us consciously thinking about it.

So how do we get this sensory information from the unconscious to our conscious mind? That is where dowsing comes in--in particular, the dowsing instrument. Experiments have been performed in muscle testing, in which the subconscious can be programmed to cause involuntary muscles to be strong for a true statement and weak for a false statement. There have also been experiments that test the muscles in dowsers, with the finding that dowsers move their instruments with involuntary muscle movements. Do you see how this could work? Say our internal sensory systems pick up electrical currents from the flow of water underground. Our conscious mind may not "know" we feel these electrical signals, but the sensory systems could trigger involuntary muscle responses tht indicate the "yes" response in dowsing instruments. The muscles of the body respond involuntarily, guided by the unconscious--or at least, by that of which we are not aware.

Perhaps you're saying, "But that doesn't explain map dowsing or information dowsing." After all, dowsers are able to locate things by dowsing on a map with a pendulum; and they are able to dowse for this information by "programming" their subconscious to respond by giving certain signals indicating a "yes" or "no" to questions. (You'll learn to do this later.) What kind of energy could our internal sensors be tuning in to in these instances?

Map dowsing seems to be related to something called the "Backster Effect." Cleve Backster is a lie detector specialist who attached a galvanic skin response detector (a lie detector, in effect) to the top leaf of a plant. This device measures the electrical resistance of the skin--or in this case, the leaf. He then watered the plant, intending to measure the amount of time it would take for the water to reach the leaf and change its electrical resistance. To his surprise, the detector immediately indicated a response that correlated with a "happy" response in humans (the galvanic skin response that equates with a happy state). Puzzled, he decided to measure a traumatic response in the plant by burning a leaf. The plant showed a fear response on the lie detector as soon as he had the thought. He hadn't even picked up the match yet! (Ever notice that people who talk to their plants have the best green thumbs?)

Backster's experiments have been duplicated thousands of times, using many variations, by many scientists. These experiments and others like them have been argued to show that there is some type of energy--I'll call it "superconscious energy," for lack of a better term--that seems to have been flowing through Backster's mind and the plant. Have you ever felt ill at ease or apprehensive for no apparent reason? Perhaps this is the undetected energy that explains a mother's intuition.

A basic theory is, then, that using a dowsing instrument allows your subconscious to tap in to the wealth of information available from this superconscious energy. It follows, therefore, that water dowsing is the most physical type of dowsing because it is most closely related to your body's own sensitivity to the electrical currents of underground water. Dowsing for objects is also likely related to the body's allowing itself to tune in to electrical currents. It seems more psychic in nature, however, because you really have to let your rational mind let go of preconceptions in order to get in touch with energies you are not conscious of.

Auras, chakras, dowsing--not concepts in which people are supposed to believe. Or are they? These concepts date back thousands of years. They have had a deep significance to generations of people and cultures who have passed them down to us through the centuries.

The Powers That Be gives you a brief introduction to these concepts, and provides the simple tools (devices) needed to begin exploring these phenomena. Walter Woods likes to define dowsing as "a mother's intuition with a read-out device." Approach the book and activities with an open mind and the spirit of fun, and what you discover will astound you. Use the book, pendulum, L-rods, and other materials to see auras, measure energy fields, measure the body's energy zones (chakras), and even perform feats of strength. Learn to create balance and well-being for a better life, to focus your energy, to find and utilize your own creativity, to develop your intuition, to encourage harmony in yourself and in relation to others. You will be better prepared to meet life's challenges

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

How Magnetic Field Therapy Works

Magnetic Field Therapy Top
The world is surrounded by magnetic fields: some are generated by the earth's magnetism, while others are generated by solar storms and electrical devices: motors, televisions, office equipment, computers, microwave ovens, the electrical wiring in homes, and the power lines that supply them. Even the human body produces subtle magnetic fields that are generated by the chemical reactions within the cells and the ionic currents of the nervous system.
Recently, scientists have discovered that external magnetic fields can affect the body's functioning in both positive and negative ways, and this observation has led to the development of magnetic field therapy.

What Is Magnetic Field Therapy? Top
The use of magnets and electrical devices to generate controlled magnetic fields has many medical applications, and has proven to be one of the most effective means for diagnosing human illness and disease. For example, MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) is replacing x-ray diagnosis because it is safer and more accurate, and magnetoencephalography is now replacing electroencephalograph as the preferred technique for recording the brain's electrical activity.
In 1974, researcher Albert Roy Davis, Ph.D., noted that positive and negative magnetic polarities have different effects upon the biological systems of animals and humans. He found that magnets could be used to arrest and kill cancer cells in animals, and could also be used in the treatment of arthritis, glaucoma, infertility, and diseases related to aging. He concluded that negative magnetic fields have a beneficial effect on living organisms, whereas positive magnetic fields have a stressful effect.
Robert Becker, M.D., and orthopedic surgeon and author of numerous scientific articles and books, found that weak electric currents promote the healing of broken bones. Dr. Becker also brought national attention to the fact that electromagnetic interference from power lines and home appliances can pose a serious problem to human health. "The scientific evidence," writes Dr. Becker, "leads only to one conclusion: the exposure of living organisms to abnormal electromagnetic fields results in significant abnormalities in physiology and function".
According to Wolfgang Ludwig, Sc.D.,Ph.D., Director of the Institute for Biophysics in Horb, Germany, "Magnetic field therapy has been used effectively in the treatment of:
Rheumatoid disease
Infections and inflammations
Headaches and migraines
Insomnia and sleep disorders
Circulatory problems
Fractures and pain
Environmental stress
Dr. Ludwig ads that magnetic changes in the environment can affect the electromagnetic balance of the human organism and contribute to disease. Kyoichi Nakagawa, M.D., Director of the Isuzu Hospital in Tokyo, Japan believes that the time people spend in buildings and cars reduces their exposure to the natural geomagnetic fields of the earth, and may also interfere with health. He calls this condition magnetic field deficiency syndrome, which can cause headaches, dizziness, muscle stiffness, chest pain, insomnia, constipation, and general fatigue. Researchers suggest that magnetic therapy can be used to counter the effects by the electromagnetic pollution in the environment.

How Magnetic Field Therapy Works Top
"The healing potential of magnets is possible because the body's nervous system is governed, in part, by varying patterns of ionic currents and electromagnetic fields,"reports Dr. Zimmerman. There are numerous forms magnetic field therapy, including static magnetic fields produced by natural or artificial magnets, and pulsating magnetic fields produced by electrical devices. The magnetic fields produced by magnets or electromagnetic generating devices are able to penetrate the human body and can affect the functioning of the nervous system, organs, and cells. According to William H. Philpott, M.D., of Choctaw, Oklahoma, an author and biomagnetic researcher, magnetic fields can stimulate metabolism and increase the amount of oxygen available to cells. When used properly magnetic field therapy has no harmful side effects. All magnets have two poles: one is called positive and the other negative. However, as there are conflicting methods of naming the poles of a magnet, a magnetometer should be used as a standard method of determination (if one is using a compass to locate the poles, the arrowhead of the needle marked "N" or North will point to the magnet's negative pole). Dr. Philpott and other researches claim that the negative pole generally has a calming effect and helps to normalize metabolic functioning. In contrast, the positive pole has a stress effect , and with prolong exposure interferes with metabolic functioning, produces acidity, reduces cellular oxygen supply, and encourages the replication of latent microorganisms. The strength of a magnet is measured in units of gauss ( a unite of measuring the intensity of magnetic flux), or Tesla (1 tesla=10,000 gauss), and every magnetic device has a manufacturer's gauss rating.

How Magnets Are Used Therapeutically Top
Magnetic therapy can be applied in many ways, and devices range from small, simple magnets to large machines capable of generating high magnitudes of field strength (used for treating fractures and pseudoarthrosis, a joint affliction caused by nerve breakdown.) Magnetic blankets and beds have also been manufactured for the purposes of promoting sleep and reducing stress. Specially designed ceramic, plastiform, and neodymium (a rare earth chemical element) magnets can be placed either individually or in clusters above the various organs of the body, lymph nodes, or on various points of the head. In Japan, small tai-ki magnets have been designed to stimulate acupuncture points, but no clinical studies have yet explored this procedure. Magnetic devices are quite popular in Germany, where the use of certain devices is covered by medical insurance. After simple instruction is given to the patient, these devices can be used at home.

Conditions Benefited by Magnetic Field Therapy Top
Treatments can last from just a few minutes to overnight and depending upon the situation and severity, may be applied several times a day, or for days or weeks at a time. Sometimes, though, the results of magnetic therapy can be quite dramatic, as in case cited by Dr. Ludwig. A forty-six-year-old man had suffered for years from sever heart flutter, diarrhea, and nausea. No treatment seemed to help, but when a magnetic applicator with less than one gauss of energy was placed upon his solar plexus for only three minutes, his symptoms immediately ceased. Two years later, he had experienced no relapse. In a case described by Dr. Philpott, a seventy-year-old man who had undergone coronary bypass surgery continued to suffer from heart pain. His walk was reduced to a shuffle, his speech was slurred, and he lived in a state of chronic depression. He decided to try magnetic therapy and a plastiform magnet was placed over his heart. Within ten minutes, the pain disappeared. Magnets were applied to the crown of the head while he slept, and within a month his depression was gone, his speech was clear, and his walking returned to normal. In other cases cited by Dr. Philpott, magnets have helped to eliminate toothaches, eliminate periodontal disease, and eradicate fungal infections like candidiasis. Kidney stones and calcium deposits in inflamed tissues have also been known to dissolve. Magnetic therapy has been shown to be particularly effective in reducing swelling and edema. According to Dr. Philpott, "Symptoms of cardiac atherosclerosis and brain atherosclerosis have been observed to disappear after six to eight weeks of nightly exposure to a negative static magnetic field."

Stress Top
A negative magnetic field applied to the top of the head has a calming and sleep-inducing effect on the brain and body functions, due to the stimulation of the hormone melatonin, according to Dr. Philpott. Melatonin has been shown to be anti stressful, anti aging, anti infectious, anti cancerous and to have control over respiration and the production of free radicals. A free radical is a highly destructive molecule that is missing an electron, and readily reacts with other molecules. This can lead to the aging of cells, the hardening of muscle tissue, the wrinkling of the skin, and in general, a decreased efficiency of protein synthesis. As there are literally hundreds of diseases leading to stress, infections and aging, magnetic field therapy could be considered an important adjunct in their treatment and researchers are currently studying its contributes.

Bacterial, Fungal, and Viral Infections Top
"A negative magnetic field can function like an antibiotic in helping to destroy bacterial, fungal, and viral infections," says Dr. Philpott, "by promoting oxygenation and lowering the body's acidity." Both of these factors are beneficial to normal bodily functions but harmful to pathogenic (disease causing) microorganisms, which do not survive in a well oxygenated, alkaline environment. Dr. Philpott theorizes that the biological value of oxygen is increased by the influence of a negative electromagnetic field, and that the field causes negatively charged DNA to "pull" oxygen out of the blood stream and into the cell. The negative electromagnetic field keeps the cellular buffer system intact so that the cells remain alkaline. the low acid balance also helps maintain the presence of oxygen in the body.

Pain Relief Top
A negative magnetic field normalizes the disturbed metabolic functions that cause painful conditions such as cellular edema, cellular acidosis, lack of oxygen to the cells and infection. Dr. Philpott cites the case of a woman in her seventies who had experienced pain and weakness n her left leg for thirty years stemming from a blood clot in the groin area, and could not climb stairs without stopping several times due to pain. AFter twelve months of sleeping on a negative magneto-electric pad, the woman found that she could walk a long flight of stairs without any pain or weakness in her leg. A negative magnetic field cannot take the place of local anesthetics and analgesics, however. A positive magnetic field on the other hand can increase pain due to its interference with normal metabolic function.

Central Nervous Disorders Top
"When a negative magnetic field is placed directly over an area of electrical activity in the brain, the electrical excitement can be reduced," says Dr. Philpott. It can stop symptoms as hallucinations, delusions, seizures or panic without disrupting the patient's mental alertness and orientation. Small disc magnets can be placed around the head to alleviate these kinds of symptoms. Dr. Philpott has pioneered the use of magnetic therapy for numerous psychiatric disorders, and he believes that in the future subtle uses of magnets will be used to control a variety of symptoms and central nervous disturbances. A woman who had a begin tumor removed from her spine could not walk without dragging her feet. When Dr. Philpott placed a positive magnetic pole over the area where the tumor had been removed, she could walk perfectly. With practice, and with the help of both a positive and a negative magnetic field, the neuronal function returned. The positive field stimulated the non functioning neurons and produced endorphins while the negative field prevented the neurons from becoming overly excited.

The Future of Magnetic Field Therapy Top
With the rising popularity of magnetic field diagnosis techniques such as MRI, magnets, and electrical devices are beginning to gain mainstream medical acceptance as human diagnostic and treatment tools. According to Dr. Philpott, the application of magnets provides the most predictable results of any treatment he has observed. "it is not only valuable as a medically supervised technique, but for many self-help problems such as insomnia, chronic pain and tension." Because magnets do not introduce any foreign substance to the body, this will, Dr. Philpott believes, make them safer over the long term than aspirin or other over-the-counter medications.

The Health Benefits of Germanium: Ross, R.Ph. Pelton, Lee Overholser. ALTERNATIVES IN CANCER THERAPY

Over 95% of my hair analysis patients are depleted in germanium. So, what IS this natural element, and why is it important to your health?

Nutritionally, the natural element germanium has been known to aid in the prevention of cancer and AIDS. Certain compounds of germanium have toxic effects against certain bacteria. In its organic form, germanium is being hailed as one of the greatest new developments in the nutritional treatment of cancer.

The estimated daily intake for germanium is 1 mg. Germanium has been reported to improve the immune system, boost the body's oxygen supply, make a person feel more energetic, and destroy damaging free radicals. Germanium also protects against radiation.

Organic germanium is a biological-response modifier. This means it enables the body to change its response to tumors, which has therapeutic benefits. Germanium does not directly attack cancer cells, but stimulates the body's immune system, making it effective in the treatment of cancer as well as other degenerative diseases.

A number of human cancer trials have been conducted with organic germanium. A summary of Phase I and Phase II human clinical trials reveals that orally administered organic germanium induces interferon production, restores previously impaired immune response, and has shown extremely low toxicity.

In 1945, Dr. Kazuhiko Asai formed the Coal Research Institute in Japan. Learning of reports from Russia about germanium's near-miraculous powers of rejuvenation and its use in the treatment of cancer, Dr. Asai decided at this time to investigate its biological properties.

Dr. Asai's original research with organic germanium extracted from natural plant sources convinced him that it could result in remarkable health benefits. However, it soon became apparent that extracting the amounts necessary to treat cancer and other diseases was too costly.

Nonetheless, Dr. Asai succeeded in developing a process for producing an organic germanium, Ge-132, that was chemically identical to the form he had extracted from plants. The chemical name for this organic germanium compound is bis-carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide. Since this time, several other Japanese companies have patented other processes for the production of organic germanium.

Many herbs and medicinal plants traditionally used in healing--such as ginseng, garlic, comfrey, and aloe-- contain substantial amounts of germanium. The amount of germanium in a plant varies according to the quality of the soil in which it grows. Adding germanium to the soil enhances plant growth.

Germanium facilitates the movement of oxygen across cellular membranes to deliver oxygen into the cells. Dr. Otto Warburg, Nobel prize-winning cancer researcher, discovered that cancer cells do not metabolize oxygen properly. Flooding cells with oxygen may retard the growth of cancer cells or even help return them to normal.

A study published in the Journal of Interferon Research, concluded " germanium restores the normal function of T-cells, B-lymphocytes, natural killer cell activity, and the numbers of antibody-forming cells.... Organic germanium has unique physiological activities without any significant side effects."

Germanium has been used to treat depression, arthritis, vision problems, elevated blood pressure, heavy metal poisoning, and cancer.

Germanium ores are rare. Germanium is a hard, grayish-white element that has a metallic luster and the same crystal structure as diamond. In addition, germanium is a semiconductor, with electrical properties between those of a metal and an insulator. In its pure state, this metalloid is crystalline, brittle and retains its luster in air at room temperature.

Germanium is an important semiconductor, mainly used in transistors and integrated circuits. Germanium forms many compounds. Germanium oxide is added to glass to increase the index of refraction; such glass is used in wide-angle lenses and in infrared devices.

You can buy natural germanium supplements at your local health food store or online - Germanium Supplement. I recommend having a hair analysis done before supplementation with germanium to confirm that your body is depleted in this nutrient

Germanium. The secret behind the health benefits of garlic, ginseng and mushrooms.

Although not officially classed as a "trace mineral", Germanium is one of the most important reasons why natural foods, such as garlic are recommended by nutritional practitioners.

Many disease states, such as osteoporosis, heart disease, immune system dysfunction and cancer have all been shown to respond to germanium therapy. It would appear that the reason for germanium's effectiveness is its ability to regulate the uptake of oxygen in the cells

In plants, this process helps protect them from infections by viruses, bacteria and fungi as well as increasing growth and protecting them from the cold. In humans, it seems the effects are both related to oxygen regulation and strong antioxidant activity.

Germanium seems to be particularly effective in enhancing the body's natural resistance to viruses. this led to it being used as a treatment for AIDS in the late 1980s, prior to some toxicity problems with one of the synthetic forms. If the same critical approach was applied to aids drugs, they would surely be taken off the market tomorrow (or even better, would never have even got there!).

It is no surprise that the dietary sources rich in germanium are those that are used routinely by traditional medicine, such as garlic, ginseng, comfrey and mushrooms. It is also a powerful analgaesic, which enhances the effects of the body's own endorphins.

Functions of Germanium in the body
Antiviral activity
Powerful antioxidant
Anticancer properties
Enhances oxygen supply to tissues
May protect against osteoporosis

Germanium deficiency

Although germanium deficiency per se is not recognised, a lack of germanium is associated with infection and immune disorders, heart disease and high cholesterol, arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer and many other conditions.

Normal amounts of Germanium in the diet

Germanium is present in many natural foods, comprising around 1mg/day in an average western diet. High intakes of synthetic germanium (50-250mg/day) have been shown to be detrimental to health, although this seems to depend on the form taken.

Sources of dietary Germanium
Mushrooms (especially shitake)

Germanium supplements

Whilst organic germanium (germanium sesquioxide) and germanium lactate citrate seem to be fairy safe, germanium dioxide has been associated with permanent kidney damage. It was this knowledge that prompted regulatory bodies to ban ALL forms of germanium on a "tar them all with the same brush" approach that led to its withdrawal for the treatment of AIDS patients, despite the fact that the alternatives not only kill AIDS patients, but they may even be responsible for it in the first place!

Germanium supplements are now not easily available and it should be sought through dietary sources.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Are Ions Good for You?:Niels Jonassen, "Ions" in Mr. Static, Compliance Engineering 16, no. 3 (1999): 24–28.

About a hundred years ago, it appeared as if all the important discoveries in physics happened almost simultaneously. For example, Wilhelm Röntgen discovered and developed x-rays, and Henri Becquerel and the Curies discovered radioactivity. It was soon realized that both phenomena had effects that could be put to very important use in industry, medicine, and other scientific fields.

However, the discoverers themselves were not aware that exposure to these phenomena could pose a health hazard. Röntgen is known to have looked directly into an x-ray beam to determine whether it had any effect on the eye, Becquerel always wore a lump of pitchblende in his waistcoat pocket, and Marie Curie developed radiation damage to her hands from handling radium.

Although x-rays and radioactivity have many similarities, they are obviously very different in nature. X-rays, being associated with accelerated electrons impinging on certain metals in vacuum, are not natural phenomena, whereas radioactive processes have taken place since the first day.

It is also interesting that the common by-products (i.e., atmospheric ions or air ions) of both processes when taking place in atmospheric air were not recognized until about the same time as the discoveries of x-rays and radioactivity. It could be speculated that the cause must be known before the effect can be discovered, but this is not so. The existence of atmospheric ions could very well have been predicted a century earlier. In 1796, Coulomb had already observed that an insulated charged body would gradually lose its charge when exposed to atmospheric air. However, it was not until 1899 that Elster and Geitel and, almost simultaneously and independently, C.T.R. Wilson demonstrated the existence of mobile charge carriers in air and rightfully ascribed it as the result of radioactive decay of mostly airborne nuclides such as radon and its short-lived daughters.

The nature of air ions has been discussed at length several times in this magazine, so let it suffice to state a few simple facts.1, 2, 3 Air ions are not charged molecules or atoms. They are clusters of mostly water molecules (say 12–14) around an oxygen or nitrogen molecule that has lost an electron (i.e., a positive ion), or 8–10 water molecules around an oxygen molecule that has gained an extra electron (i.e., a negative ion).

All air ions are created equal. There is no difference between the ions produced by radioactive decay of airborne materials or by cosmic rays, and the ions produced in a technical ionization system by accelerating incidental electrons to sufficiently high energies. This technical method of ionization is again, in principle, identical to what happens when the field from a thundercloud induces corona discharges from the tips of leaves or from lightning rods.

It should be stressed that ions are always created in pairs—a positive and a negative ion. In unipolar field ionizers, one polarity is automatically held back, so it appears as if only positive or negative ions are produced, but that is not so.

Ions do not live forever. They recombine with oppositely charged ions, they combine with aerosol particles, and they plate out on surfaces. Therefore, the reason for a more or less constant ion concentration of some hundred ions of each polarity per cubic centimeter (at sea level) is the constant production of maybe 5–10 ion pairs per cubic centimeter per second caused by natural radiation. So to keep a high ion concentration in a given volume, ions have to be constantly produced.

Air ions have a very important role to play in industry, namely that of neutralizing charges on insulators. In fact, the use of a bipolar mix of air ions is the only way by which the field from a charged insulator can be neutralized. The charge can never be removed, but the field from the charge can be neutralized, and that is just as good. As that problem has already been treated in detail, this article concentrates on the claims of direct or indirect effects of air ions on human beings.

Almost from the very first detection of air ions, there has been speculation about possible hygienic, physiological, or other types of effects. The first paper may have appeared as early as 1923. Very few, if any, of these first papers deserve the designation of scientific papers, which should only deal with properly described and properly conducted investigations. Almost all reported investigations were purely anecdotal. In my opinion, one of the reasons for this was that usually the investigations were carried out by physicians and other laypeople without the guidance of physicists with a proper knowledge of atmospheric electricity.

For example, in the 1930s, it was rather common in Germany to treat a variety of ailments, such as asthma, bronchitis, and other airways-related problems, by letting the patients (apparently) inhale negative ions. Some of the administrants of these treatments, usually medical practitioners, reported rather astonishing results. At a certain point in these experiments, somebody had the good sense to ask a real expert to examine the ionizers to find out what they were actually doing. The all-time-ever expert on atmospheric electricity, Hans Israël, agreed to do this.4 Years later, I heard Hans Israël summarize his investigation. It appeared that the ionizers used by some of the doctors with the most beneficial results did not even contain a high-voltage supply; that is, they did not produce ions at all.

The Negative-Ion Myth

The previous story is a good example of a negative-ion myth. Repeatedly, it has been reported that negative ions are good and that positive ions are bad, usually with little if any scientifically rigorous documentation.

One of the oldest claims concerning the effect of ions is that air rich in negative ions is fresh and that air rich in positive ions is stuffy. Of course, it is difficult to prove or disprove such statements, as freshness and stuffiness are subjective quantities for which there is no physical method of measurement. Therefore, let us be subjective. Let us assume that most people will agree that the air at a mountaintop deserves to be called fresh. Now, it just so happens that this air is rich in positive ions, the concentration being maybe 3–4 times greater than at sea level. The freshness and the positive ions have nothing to do with each other. The freshness could be caused by the air being unpolluted and cool, and the high positive-ion concentration is simply a result of the electrode effect.

Let us also assume that most people will find that during a thunderstorm (before the rain sets in) the air may be considered less than fresh, maybe even stuffy. This same air is rich in negative ions. The stuffiness might be explained by high humidity and other thermophysical factors, and the high negative-ion concentration is simply an effect of the strong negative field from the base of the thundercloud to the ground.

Another example of the negative-ion myth concerns the effects of ions on the cilia in the respiratory tract. From 1957 through 1963, a series of papers were published by Krueger et al., who suggested that air with an excess of positive ions caused a deceleration of cilia activity and of the rate of mucus flow, whereas air with an excess of negative ions produced changes in the opposite direction and reversed the effects of positive ions.5,6 In other words, exposure to negative ions would increase the rate with which the airways were cleared.

Although other researchers failed to show any effects of unipolar ionized air on cilia frequency and mucus flow, the papers of Krueger et al. were widely quoted; even today, there are still positive references to their work. This is in spite of the fact that, in 1971, Andersen's book Mucociliary Function in Trachea Exposed to Ionized and Non-Ionized Air demonstrated without any doubt that the claimed effects do not exist.7 Andersen gave a very thorough and sober evaluation of all the previous work and pointed out a series of experimental shortcomings that made any conclusion drawn from the results dubious. Andersen also conducted a large experimental study under carefully controlled conditions (thermodynamic, aerodynamic, and electrical) and using modern equipment. He demonstrated that there was no relationship between ion concentration (of either polarity) and cilia frequency. His conclusion was as follows:
It is concluded that—the application of unipolar or bipolar ionized air in the therapy of diseases in the airways, and active control of ion concentrations in homes and places of work etc. for prophylactic reasons must be considered without any experimental-physiological basis.

The Ion-Balance Myth

The ion-balance myth is a special version of the negative-ion myth. The concept of ion balance is not really defined in atmospheric electricity, but it is probably supposed to mean the ratio between the concentrations of negative and positive ions. In a closed room, it is obviously possible to control this ratio by producing an excess of ions of one polarity. However, this is not what is normally meant when references are made to changes in ion balance. It is often claimed that certain procedures or even just certain materials will selectively remove one polarity of ions. Over the years, it has been claimed time and time again that if the ions removed were the negative ions, the result would be a bad ion balance.

In this context, we are talking about naturally occurring ions, that is, ions produced primarily by the decay of airborne radioactive materials. As already mentioned, ions are always produced in pairs; therefore, the production rates for positive and negative atmospheric ions are identical. In the free lower atmosphere, a state of equilibrium will be reached at which the constant production of ions is balanced by positive and negative ions recombining with each other, combining with aerosol particles, or diffusing to ground. The result will be a state with a positive-ion concentration maybe 20–25% higher than the negative one. The difference is caused by the positive ions having a somewhat lower mobility than do negative ions (1.4•10–4 m2V–1s–1 and 1.8•10–4 m2V–1s–1, respectively). Positive ions therefore also have a lower diffusivity, and this is balanced by a higher concentration of positive ions so that the actual removal rate by diffusion is the same for both positive and negative ions.

The actual values of the ion concentrations depend strongly on the concentration of aerosols or pollutants. In relatively clean air, the concentrations of the ions may be in the hundreds (per cubic centimeter), in highly polluted air, they may be 10 times as low. But the important fact is that the ratio, the ion balance, is almost the same, about 1.2–1.3.

A high level of pollution will turn most of the ions into charged particles, or heavy ions, but with no preference for either polarity. Since the 1930s, it has been known that the attachment coefficients for negative and positive ions attaching with aerosol particles are almost the same, resulting in a population of aerosol particles divided more or less equally between negative, positive, and neutral particles. This is true with moderate pollution levels. With very high aerosol concentrations, there are not enough ions to charge the aerosol particles, and the neutral particles will dominate.

Evil Winds Are Rich in Positive Ions. It seems reasonably well documented that the hot winds like the Föhn, the Santa Ana, the sirocco, and so forth have a detrimental influence on people's well-being. To explain the special properties of these phenomena, it has often been postulated that the winds, maybe especially the Föhn Alp wind, are rich in positive ions and therefore, according to the negative-ion myth, will feel stuffy and unpleasant. I have never been able to find any hint of a trustworthy theory explaining how a unipolar ionization of the air mass could take place, let alone explain how the charge could be carried hundreds of miles over the mountains without dissipating. I have also not seen any proper scientific papers demonstrating the excess of positive ions in these winds.

Building Materials May Ruin the Ion Balance. Around 1960, a peculiar campaign started in several European countries. The campaign was based on the negative-ion myth. It was claimed that floor coverings of vinyl tiles would ruin the ion balance, meaning that they would create an excess of positive ions, whereas linoleum floors would allegedly leave the ion ratio untouched. No scientific proof for the claim and certainly no measurements were offered, but not a week went by without statements from newspapers, magazines, radio, or television about the harmful effects of vinyl tiles.

A major Danish company that was economically hurt by the campaign asked if the problem could be investigated. I conducted a series of ion-concentration measurements in rooms that were as identical as possible, except that half of the rooms tested had linoleum floors and the other half had vinyl tiles. No significant difference between the two types of rooms could be detected with respect to either the absolute values of the ion concentrations or the ion ratio.

Sick Building Syndrome and the Ion Balance. Over the past 40 years, the interest in the indoor climate has been steadily growing, and in the 1970s, the concept of sick buildings emerged. It appeared that many people felt uncomfortable and maybe even sick when working in certain buildings, especially modern buildings. The symptoms were usually vague, such as headaches, eczema, dry skin, problems with breathing, and so forth.

Many suggestions for the causes were proposed, including mold fungi and dust mites, but both of these causes are connected with inefficient ventilation. It was also suggested that the cause could be a bad ion balance. Many well-controlled experiments were performed in many different types of buildings. None of the experiments showed any significant deviations from the normal ion-concentration values. Note that there probably is such a thing as a sick building, but it apparently has nothing to do with atmospheric ions.

Positive Ions and Pollution. A peculiar variation of the ion-balance myth has emerged over the past decade. It states that positive ions and air pollution are intimately related; that is, positive ions will preferentially attach to airborne particulates. First of all, this is not true. As already mentioned, the attachment coefficients are very similar for both positive and negative ions. Second, this myth is taken as another proof that positive ions are harmful because they attach themselves to pollutants. If this really were the case, it would mean that polluted air would have an excess of negative ions, as the pollutants would swallow positive ions. However, as already stated, this is not so. Polluted air may have low concentrations of both positive and negative ions.

The examples treated above illustrate rather well a statement made as early as 1985 by Reinhold Reiter, a recognized expert on atmospheric electricity: "Nearly all relevant assertations about harmful or beneficial effects of small ions fail to realize the fundamental elements of atmospheric electricity."8

Are Ions Good for You?

So far, the question posed in the title of this article has not really been answered. Instead, discussion has focused on some physical facts and has tried to quench some unfounded myths. Before trying to answer the question, it is important to look at what ions can actually do. Atmospheric ions consist of a nitrogen or oxygen molecule, a few water molecules, and an elementary charge. Human beings are constantly exposed to a mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and water vapor, so what difference would it make if there were also a positive or negative charge involved?

People in industry, and especially those in the world of electronics, know what it means when a flow of ionized air is directed toward a charged insulator. If the flow is properly balanced, the charge on the insulator can be neutralized because the ions are able to give off their charge. It is the only way that a charged insulator can ever be neutralized.

But what does this have to do with human beings? If a balanced flow of ionized air is directed toward an area of exposed skin, the positive and negative ions will be neutralized when plating out very close to each other, and the result may be some very weak currents on the outer layer of the skin. However, it is a completely different story if a unipolar (say negatively ionized) airflow is used instead. If the person is not grounded, the body will acquire a gradually increasing negative voltage until a discharge, usually a spark, takes place or until the unavoidable leakage current balances the ion current.

The case becomes much more interesting if the person is grounded. Let us suppose that the person is placed on an insulative sheet and that a grounded wrist strap is attached to the right wrist. Now, if a unipolar (say negatively ionized) airflow is directed toward the person's exposed back, the ions will plate out on the skin and be neutralized, and their charge will run through the body to the wrist strap. If this process has an effect, it would not be because of the ions per se. The ions have only served as carriers of the charge to the body. So the questions are "can these currents have any effects?" and "what kind of paths do the currents follow?" I am far from sure that I can answer these questions, but I can tell a story.

Unipolar Ionized Air

A few years ago, I was contacted by a Danish architect; let us call him Mr. W. He was very interested in indoor climate and wanted to learn more about ions and their effects on people. Of course, I told him that ions had no (direct) effect on people, but sure, I could teach him something about ionizers for air-cleaning purposes and for neutralizing charges on insulators.

Mr. W believed in the healing effects of (negative) ions. He used unipolar ionizers for treating patients suffering from various ailments and reported surprisingly positive results. I insisted that it was not the ions but their charge that was responsible for any effects. After some pilot laboratory experiments, it was demonstrated that positive and negative ions were equally effective. The flow of unipolar ionized air seemed to be especially effective in healing sores and wounds and in reducing (and not only temporarily) pains and side effects in, for example, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation treatment. Mr. W also had some ideas that the method actually was a kind of acupuncture, but in any event, it was definitely an alternative method of treatment.

In the Western world, or at least in Denmark, the established medical society frowns on anything alternative, especially if it contains elements of sciences of which the established medical society has no knowledge and experience—such as physics. So there was no way that Mr. W could have a clinical test of his method performed in Denmark under proper medical supervision. However, in other parts of the world, the attitude to alternative treatment methods is quite different.

At the prestigious Chulalongkorn University Hospital in Bangkok, where acupuncture is a recognized specialty, the chief oncologist, Kris Chatamra, had heard about Mr. W's results and offered to set up a small pilot project as a forerunner for a proper clinical test. The pilot project was conducted in June 2002. Chatamra had chosen four very sick patients for the test: three cancer cases (considered terminally ill) and one patient with a chronic infection (diabetes related) on one foot. All four patients were in severe pain and required regular and strong analgesia.

The patient to be treated was placed on an insulative sheet on a cot, and a wrist or ankle strap was attached to the patient. A flow of unipolar ionized air was directed toward a selected exposed part of the patient's skin. The strap connected the patient to the ionizing unit through a feedback system, which monitored the ion flow and the total dose. The current to the patient was in the order of µA, and the exposure time was typically 90 minutes. The length of the trial was 10 days. The patients were fully assessed prior to the trial and also assessed daily during the trial by a specialist nurse. Pain assessment was conducted by patient scoring and by the amount of analgesia required daily.

At the end of the pilot project, Chatamra concluded:
The results are encouraging: All patients required less analgesia (one patient actually stopped taking it altogether). The chronic wound also showed accelerated healing, and the patient is now discharged from the surgical unit. None of the patients suffered any complications.

This was a very small project. It did not prove anything, scientifically speaking. But as Chatamra says, the results are encouraging. A proper clinical test with all the necessary precautions, such as double-blind testing and the use of a control group, is planned.

My role in the pilot project, and maybe in the (hopefully upcoming) clinical test, has merely been that of a physics consultant and observer—an observer who has gradually lost his belief that ions have no effect on human beings. However, to quote Luke 15:7, "There will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents." Still, the negative-ion myth and the ion-balance myth are nothing but that, myths

Kinesiology: The Tool for Testing

Kinesiology is another word for muscle testing. Kinesiology is simple. Anybody can do it because it uses your electrical system and your muscles. If you are alive, you have these two things. I know that sounds smart-mouthed of me, but I’ve learned that sometimes people refuse to believe that anything can be so simple. So they create a mental block—only "sensitive types" can do this, or only women can do it. It’s just not true. Kinesiology happens to be one of those simple things in life just waiting around to be learned and used by everyone.

Even small children can learn to do kinesiology in about five minutes. It is mainly because it never occurred to them that they couldn’t do it. If I tell them they have an electrical system, they don’t argue with me about it; they just get on with the business of learning how to do simple testing. Actually, I do mean to intimidate you. Your first big hurdle will be whether or not you believe you have a viable electrical system that is capable of being tested. Here’s a good test. Place a hand mirror under your nose. If you see breath marks, you have a strong electrical system. (If you don’t see breath marks, call your local emergency rescue squad—you’re in trouble.) Now you can get on with learning how to use kinesiology!

If you’ve ever been to a chiropractor or holistic physician experienced in muscle testing, you’ve experienced kinesiology. The doctor tells you to stick out your arm and resist his pressure. It feels like he is trying to push your arm down after he has told you not to let him do it. Everything is going fine, and then all of a sudden he presses and your arm falls down like a floppy fish no matter how hard you try to keep it up. That is using kinesiology.

Simply stated, the body has within it and surrounding it an electrical network or grid. If anything impacts your electrical system that does not maintain or enhance your health and your body’s balance, your muscles, when having physical pressure applied, are unable to hold their strength. (Muscle power is directly linked to the balance of the electrical system.) In other words, if pressure is applied to an individual’s extended arm while his body’s electrical system is being adversely affected, the muscles will weaken and the arm will not be able to resist the pressure. The circuits of the electri-cal system are overloaded or have short-circuited, causing a weakening of that system. However, if pressure is applied while his electrical system is being positively affected, the circuits remain strong, balanced and capable of fully functioning throughout the body. The muscles will remain strong, the person will easily resist and the arm will hold its position.

This electrical/muscular relationship is a natural part of the human system. It is not mystical or magical. Kinesiology is the established method for reading the body’s balance through the balance of the electrical system at any given moment.

When working in a co-creative partnership, nature answers your yes/no questions by projecting a positive energy or a negative energy—whichever is appropriate—into the electrical circuit that you have created by your fingers especially for the kinesiology testing. The "yes" or "no" that nature projects registers in this one electrical connection and not throughout your entire electrical system. The special connection created by your fingers allows you to use the kinesiology technique without adversely impacting your electrical system or your body’s balance. Only one circuit is being used, and this circuit is artificially created by you for the testing and is not a part of the normal function of the electrical system throughout your body. The answer you are able to discern through the testing is from nature. It is not an answer that has been concocted by you.

If you have ever experienced muscle testing, you probably participated in the above-described, two-person operation. You provided the extended arm, and the other person provided the pressure. Although efficient, this can sometimes be cumbersome when you want to test something on your own. Arm pumpers have the nasty habit of disappearing right when you need them most.

Kinesiology Self-Testing Steps

1. THE CIRCUIT FINGERS. If you are right-handed: Place your left hand palm up. Connect the tip of your left thumb with the tip of the left little finger (not your index finger). If you are left-handed: Place your right hand palm up. Connect the tip of your right thumb with the tip of your right little finger. By connecting your thumb and little finger, you have closed an electrical circuit in your hand, and it is this circuit you will use for testing.

Before going on, look at the position you have just formed with your hand. If your thumb is touching the tip of your index or first finger, laugh at yourself for not being able to follow directions, and change the position to touch the tip of the thumb with the tip of the little or fourth finger. Most likely this will not feel at all comfortable to you. If you are feeling a weird sense of awkwardness, you’ve got the first step of the test position! In time, the hand and fingers will adjust to being put in this position and it will feel fine.

Circuit fingers can touch tip to tip, finger pad to finger pad, or thumb resting on top of the little finger’s nail. Women with long nails need not impale themselves.

2. THE TEST FINGERS. To test the circuit (the means by which you will apply pressure to yourself), place the thumb and index finger of your other hand inside the circle you have created by connecting your thumb and little finger. The thumb and index finger should be right under your thumb and your little finger, touching them. Don’t try to make a circle with your test fingers. They are just placed inside the circuit fingers that do form a circle. It will look as if the circuit fingers are resting on the test fingers.

3. POSITIVE RESPONSE. Keeping this position, ask yourself a yes/no question in which you already know the answer to be yes. ("Is my name _____?") Once you’ve asked the question, press your circuit fingers together, keeping the tip-to-tip position. Using the same amount of pressure, try to pull apart the circuit fingers with your test fingers. Press the lower thumb against the upper thumb, and the lower index finger against the upper little finger.

The action of your test fingers will look like scissors separating as you apply pressure to your circuit fingers. The motion of the test fingers is horizontal. Don’t try to pull your test fingers vertically up through your circuit fingers. This action sometimes works but it is not as reliable as the horizontal scissors action.

The circuit position described in step 1 corresponds to the position you take when you stick your arm out for the physician. The testing position in step 2 is in place of the physician or other convenient arm pumper. After you ask the yes/no question and you press your circuit fingers tip-to-tip, that is equal to the doctor saying, "Resist my pressure." Your circuit fingers now correspond to your outstretched, stiffened arm. Trying to pull apart those fingers with your testing fingers is equal to the doctor pressing down on your arm.

If the answer to the question is positive (if your name is what you think it is!), you will not be able to easily push apart the circuit fingers. The electrical circuit will hold, your muscles will maintain their strength, and your circuit fingers will not separate. You will feel the strength in that circuit.

IMPORTANT: Be sure the amount of pressure holding the circuit fingers together is equal to the amount of your testing fingers pressing against them. Also, don’t use a pumping action in your test fingers when applying pressure to your circuit fingers. Use an equal, steady and continuous pressure.

Play with this a bit. Ask a few more yes/no questions that have positive answers. Now, I know it is going to seem that if you already know the answer to be "yes," you are probably "throwing" the test. That’s reasonable, but for the time being, until you get a feeling for what the positive response feels like, you’re going to need to deliberately ask yourself questions with positive answers.

While asking questions, if you are having trouble sensing the strength of the circuit, apply a little more pressure. Or consider that you may be applying too much pressure and pull back some. You don’t have to break or strain your fingers for this; just use enough pressure to make them feel alive, connected and alert.

4. NEGATIVE RESPONSE. Once you have a clear sense of the positive response, ask yourself a question that has a negative answer. Again press your circuit fingers together and, using equal pressure, press against the circuit fingers with the test fingers. This time the electrical circuit will break and the circuit fingers will weaken and separate. Because the electrical circuit is broken, the muscles in the circuit fingers do not have the power to easily hold the fingers together. In a positive state the electrical circuit holds, and the muscles have the power to keep the two fingers together.

How much your circuit fingers separate depends on your personal style. Some people’s fingers separate a lot. Other’s barely separate at all. Mine separate about a quarter of an inch. Some people’s fingers won’t separate at all, but they’ll definitely feel the fingers weaken when pressure is applied during a "no" answer. Give yourself time and let your personal style develop naturally.

Also, if you are having a little trouble feeling anything, do your testing with your forearms resting in your lap. This way you won’t be using your muscles to hold up your arms while trying to test.

Play with negative questions a bit, and then return to positive questions. Get a good feeling for the strength between your circuit fingers when your electrical system is balanced and the weakness when it is short-circuited or imbalanced. You can even ask yourself (your own system) for a positive response and then, after testing, ask for a negative response. ("Give me a positive response." Test. "Give me a negative response." Test.) You will feel the positive strength and the negative weakness. In the beginning, you may feel only a slight difference between the two. With practice, that difference will become more pronounced. For now, it is just a matter of trusting what you have learned; and practicing.

Don’t forget the overall concept behind kinesiology. What enhances our body, mind and soul makes us strong. Together, our body, mind and soul create an environment that, when balanced, is strong and solid. If something enters that environment and challenges the balance, the environment is weakened. That strength or weakness first registers in the electrical system, and it can be discerned through the muscle-testing technique;kinesiology.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

What is Germanium?

Germanium is a metalloid element - atomic number 32, atomic mass 72.59 - found in soil and plants. It is found in concentrations of 4,189 ppm in Korean ginseng, 754 ppm in garlic, 124 ppm in the fruit of the matrimony vine, 152 ppm in comfrey, 257 ppm in Rhizoma Menispermae, respectively.

This element has an interesting anecdote associated with its discovery. Mendeleeff, the creator of the original periodic table of the elements, left the 32nd spot in the table blank, predicting the existence of an element that will fill it. About 20 years later, the German scientist Dr. Wingura discovered an element with the properties that Mendeleeff had predicted, and named it Germanium.

Germanium has 32 electrons, and when it reacts with another substance, it loses one of the 4 electrons in its valence shell, which leaves an empty space known as a positive hole; this creates a kind of a positive-charge "trap" that invites another electron to fill it. Here, a kind of hypothesis was set up based upon the idea that we can expect what is known in physiology as dehydrogenation. Depending on how one looks at it, a living body can be seen as an amalgam of tiny corpuscles of electricity. Each organ and part functions as its own particular assemblage. Because of this each part has its own electric potential, and disease is the result of positive and negative potentials being out of sync. Electroencephalographs and electrocardiographs are machines that identify problems by measuring changes in electric potential, and Germanium has wondrous effects in correcting imbalance in electric potential.

The electric potential of cancer cells, when examined closely, is dramatically different from that of normal cells. Because cancer cells multiply at a furious pace, their electric potentials are high, and undergo extremely rapid changes. Germanium, however, acts to lower the electric potentials of cancer cells by taking away their electrons. This is precisely the dehydrogenation reaction previously hypothesized; this is the reaction that suppresses the activities of abnormal(cancer) cells, and also what causes cancer from spreading.

Germanium, like silicone, is a semi-conductive element. An example of an application of its electrical properties was the transistor, which was the beginning of today's electronic calculators and audio equipment.

That Germanium is a semi-conductor and not a metal is a physiologically expedient phenomenon as well. This is because each cell, including blood, has semi-conductive characteristics, and since semiconductors cannot coexist due to their electrical properties, there needs to be no concern that Germanium will accumulate within the body; and the fact that it cannot accumulate in the body means that no matter how much Germanium is ingested over however long a period, there cannot be any side effects because Germanium is always discharged from the body.

How Germanium Works

Human beings ingest food to live. What's not absorbed is discharged as excrement, but what is absorbed by the digestive system is burned in the body through a myriad of processes, and is ultimately discharged from the body as carbon dioxide and water. That is, gaseous carbon bonds with oxygen and leaves the body as carbon dioxide during exhalation, and another gas, hydrogen ions, bonds with oxygen and is discharged as water in the form of sweat or urine. Hydrogen, at this point, is a positive ion and is useless to a living body - in fact it is harmful. With the increase of this hydrogen ion, the acidity increases, pH being the measure of this acidity. This hydrogen ion acidifies the body and becomes the cause of disease, and what neutralizes the hydrogen ions is oxygen. The hydrogen bonds with oxygen and becomes water, which is discharged from the body. As the amount of hydrogen in the body increases, the need for oxygen to neutralize the hydrogen increases.

When germanium is administered, it bonds with hydrogen in place of oxygen, and prevents the waste of oxygen in the body; this is how germanium helps the body's recovery and cell regeneration, playing a crucial role in maintaining the body's well being. "Germanium disappears from the body without a trace within 20-30 hours; large amounts of radical-laden germanium could be seen in the urine." Just from this we can see that side effects will not be a concern. Besides helping to discharge all kinds of harmful substances from the body in this way, germanium re-alkalinizes waste products that have already been acidified, promoting metabolism and greatly affecting the genes and bioactivity.

>>GERMANIUM ENHANCES THE BODY'S NATURAL HEALING POWERS Whether a drug is taken orally or by injection, in order for it to have the intended effect it must first be "absorbed" and reach the target cells or system. The speed of absorption depends on the quality of the drug or the method by which the drug is administered. The accepted theory is that hypodermic injection is quicker than oral administration, and that intravenous injection is quicker than hypodermic injection. When taken orally, powder is more quickly absorbed than coarse crystals. Next, in order for the absorbed drug to reach the cell and have the desired effect, it must be able to permeate through cell walls, which requires solubility. The drug must dissolve before finally mixing with blood and distributed throughout the body. The absorbed drug sets off active chemical changes within the body, especially in the liver. This change is called metastasis. No matter how good a drug's ingredients are, to a living body it is still foreign body. Thus a drug metastasizes in the liver, where its action winds down, and turns into a substance that can readily dissolve in water and be discharged. This is a kind of defensive mechanism for the body, which by instinct wants to detoxify the drug - a foreign body as far as it's concerned - and discharge it as quickly as possible. We need to keep in mind here that depending on the drug, metastasis can produce a harmful substance that causes side effects. In any case, when a drug is absorbed into the body in this way, some of it undergoes chemical change within the body and is transformed into another substance, and some of it carries out its intended purpose and is discharged from the body. Although undesirable, some of the drug deposited in the liver, the spleen, or another organ remains in the body for a long time, causing side effects.

Such absorption, metabolism, and excretion is known as general medicinal action, and in germanium's general medicinal test results, absorption and excretion were quick and there was almost no residue left in the body. That is, after being administered germanium was evenly distributed to each organ and served its purpose, and after 3 hours 90% was discharged through the urine, and after 12 hours almost no residue remained in the body. From this it can be concluded that there should be no concern that germanium will accumulate in the body and cause side effects. Also, based on tests on animals, germanium showed no medicinal action in healthy animals, while manifesting healing action in sick animals. This is germanium's biological attribute, and what is believed to be related to its effectiveness in lowering blood pressure, regulating the immune system, inducing interferon, and anticancer functions, which will be discussed later.

>>GERMANIUM AND ITS REGULATION OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM The method of curing diseases can be divided into two categories.

The first is the Western method of administering a drug directly to the source of the disease or a tissue, and the other is the method based on the eastern approach to medicine - curing disease by raising the level of the body's resistance to disease, raising the immunity levels that have declined with age, or correcting abnormalities in the immune system by suppressing hyperactive functions. Although it is not clearly known what causes various incurable diseases such as cancer, but it is suspected that these onset of these diseases and hyperactivity are caused by abnormalities in the immune system, based on the fact that the patients manifest immune deficiencies. A good example of this argument is AIDS.

Therefore, because immunity-enhancing treatment has been applied recently in treating cancer patients, medical treatment based on correcting immune-system abnormalities is receiving a great deal of attention. This is what is known as immunity modulation treatment, which uses an immunity-controlling agent. Preliminary studies in this field have found that germanium has an immunity-regulating effect, and recent research has suggested that germanium is linked to anti-cancer efficacy.

The experiment was conducted as follows. A group of mice were divided into subgroups according to age - 5-8 weeks, 13-18 weeks, and 30-40 weeks - and using a small amount of SRBC as an antigen, germanium was administered along with immunization; after 4 days, spleen cells were extracted from the mice and measured for PFC and studied. When the results were tallied, there was no increase in PFC in the 5-8 week old mice - which were expected to show normal immune responses - even after germanium was administered; in fact, there was even a decrease in PFC. This meant that germanium had no effect on these mice. But in older mice, 30-40 weeks old, whose immunity had drastically deteriorated, showed PFC increase levels nearly twice as high as the control group that did not receive germanium injections. From this we can see that germanium is not simply an immunity-reinforcing agent, but acts as a regulator of the immune system, lowering levels where the immune response is excessive while raising levels where the immune response has deteriorated.

Currently available drugs that regulate the immune-system include Levamisole, Penicillamine, and Sodium Aurothiomalate, and among these Levamisole is the most widely used. Levamisole, however, is known to have severe side effects, including agranulocytosis. Agranulocytosis is a disease characterized by a decrease in white blood cells; lymphocytes are present but granulocytes all but disappear, weakening resistance to viral infections, and the patient suffers from inflammation of the throat that is accompanied by high fever and pain.

Germanium does not have side effects that are associated with Lavamisole. It raises the body's immunity levels, which is effective in combating cancer, and prevents many other complications; it is a drug whose efficacy is anticipated in other areas besides cancer.

Safety of Germanium

Ge-132 Improves Immunity Following Surgery:
The effect of 2-carboxyethylgermanium sesquioxide (Ge-132) as an interferon inducer on post-surgical immunosuppression was evaluated from the immuno-logical response augmented in canine neutrophils, macrophages, and peripheral blood lymphocytes, with a control group. Those in the Ge-132-administered froup (Ge-132 group) were enhanced for a long time after surgery. These results suggest that Ge-132 pre-treatment may be efficacious and useful in preventing the multifaceeted clinical symptoms induced by post-operative immunosuppression in these test animals.
Socuce: Journal of Vetinary Medical Science, 1993 Oct, 55(5):795-9

Ge-132 Shown to be Safe:
During 28 days and six months, test animals received 1mg/kg/day of Ge-132. No particular toxic symptoms, no behavior trouble, except a small decrease of body weight in male animals, at the end of the six-month experiment, were observed. Germanium urinary excretion was constant and linked to the received dose. Six months later, no preferential accumulation in organs was observed.
Socuce: Journal de Toxicologie Clinique et Experimentale, 1991 Dec, 11(7-8):421-36

Organic germanium was correlated with lowered blood pressure in test animals. Similar results were also reported at the Proceedings of the Japan Cancer Association, 38th Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 1979, p.112
Socuce: The Clinical Report (Kiso to Rinsho, in Japanese) 7 (1978)

Organic germanium restores the normal function of T cells, B lymphocytes, antibody-dependent cell toxicity, natural killer cell activity, and numbers of antibody-forming cells. Studies indicate that this compound has unique physiological activities without any significant toxic effects. Organic germanium has the ability to modulate alterations in the immune response.
Socuce: The Journal of Interferon Research 4 (1984):223-233

Organic germanium is considered to restore the impaired immunoresponses in aged mice.
Socuce: International Archives of Allergy 63 (1980):338-339

Germanium works as a potent antimutagen induced in Salmonella. Antimutagenic effects were noted in bacteria.
Socuce: Mutation Research 125 (1984):145-151

Organic germanium protects against bone-mass decrease in osteoporosis.
Socuce: Asai Germanium Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan, 1984

Positive effects of oral administration of organic germanium are mediated by the inducement of interferon.
Socuce: Microbiology and Immunology 29, 1985:65-74

Germanium compounds work as a significant interferon-inducing agent.
Socuce: TProceedings of the Japan Cancer Association II, annual meeting, 1979, p. 193

Eye manifestations are closely related with systemic diseases. Decrease in retinal blood pressure was observed with administration of organic germanium. (This was the first report of the use of organic germanium in the field of ophthalmology.) It is also effective in the treatment and prevention of essential hypertension and diabetes by effecting a normalization of the body state.
Socuce: Tokyo Electric Hospital of Ophthalmology, Dr. Akira Ishikawa

When administered to test animals with normal blood pressure, the use of organic germanium shows no change. When given to test animals with high blood pressure, the animals returned to normal within 7 to 10 days. The compound has lasting effects for a considerably long period after it is discontinued. This is typical of adaptogenic substances.
Socuce: Japan Experimental Medical Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan

Organic germanium has been shown to enhance morphine analgesia in both oral administration and injection. It appears to act by increasing the activity of morphine at the receptor sites, and by releasing self-made endorphins (the morphine-like substances manufactured by humans)
Socuce: Journal of Pharmacological Dynamics 6 (1983):814-820

Organic germanium demonstrated antitumor activity.
Socuce: Cancer and Chemotherapy 6, in Japanese (1968):79-83

A remarkable prolongation in life span is observed after oral administration of organic germanium. Gan To Kagaku Ryoho 12, December 1985:2345-51

Organic germanium administered to test animals with tumors resulted in the inhibition of tumor growth.
Socuce: Anticancer Research 6, March-April 1986:177-82

Organic germanium-treated test animals showed an inhibitory effect against certain tumors in such a way that suggests that the effect is the result of macrophage activity. (Macrophages are part of the immune system. They attack the enemy.)
Socuce: Gan To Kagaku Ryoho 12 November 1985: 2122-8

Test animals were inoculated with carcinoma or leukemia cells, and then treated orally with organic germanium. The study demonstrated that the effect of the organic germanium works through the body's defense mechanisms (including macrophages and/or T-cells) rather than attacking the cancer itself.
Socuce: Anticancer Research 5, Sept-Oct 1985:479-83

This study suggests that organic germanium is useful for antitumor combination immunochemotherapy. The results are an inhibition of tumor growth, enhanced anti-metastatic effect, prolonged survival time, and recovery of lost body weight caused by chemotherapy.
Socuce: Gan To Kagaku Ryoho 13, Aug. 1986:2588-93

The antitumor action of organic germanium appears to be related to its interferon-inducing activity.
Socuce: Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine 146, May 1985:97

This study suggests that organic germanium is useful for antitumor combination immunochemotherapy. The results are an inhibition of tumor growth, enhanced anti-metastatic effect, prolonged survival time, and recovery of lost body weight caused by chemotherapy.
Socuce: Gan To Kagaku Ryoho 13, Aug. 1986:2588-93.

Ge-132 May be Antimutagenic: Research studies suggest that various nutritional factors such as the antioxidant vitamins and selenium are very promising as potential anticarcinogenic agents. Moreover, some evidence exists showing germanium, at specific levels, may possess antimutagenic potential.
Socuce: Department of Oral Biology, Indiana University School of Dentistry, Indianapolis 46202. Mutation Research 1995 Aug, 335 (1):21-6

Ge-132 Delays Cataract Progression: Ge-132 has been shown to be effective in preventing a process called "glycation", which results in lens opacification, or the development of cataracts. By preventing glycation, cataract progression can be delayed.
Socuce: Department of Biological Sciences, Oakland University, Rochester, MI Experimental Eye Research, August 1995

Germanium Effective Against Tumors: The earliest reports on the therapeutic use of metals or metal-containing compounds in cancer and leukemia date from the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries. The were forgotten until the 1960s, when the antitumor activity of inorganic complexes were discovered. Numerous metal compoounds, including germanium, have now been shown to be effective against tumors in man and experimental tumors in animals.
Socuce: JEuropean Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 1994, 47(1):1-16

Ge-132 Provides Relief for Chronic Fatigue: Ge-132 has been found to provide relief from the debilitating symptoms of the Chronic Epstein-Barr Virus Syndrome, an affliction that may be affecting millions of Americans.
Socuce: "Use of Organic Germanium in Chronic Epstein-Barr Virus Syndrome", Juornal of Orthomolecular Medicine 1989.

Ge-132 Protects Cells From Injury: The effect of carboxyethyl germanium sesquioxide (Ge-132) on injured cells of test animals was tudied. When the cells were pretreated before injury, the cells were protected. All the effects of Ge-132 were dose-related. The results indicate that Ge-132 may improve the metabolism of certain cells and protect them from induced injury.
Socuce: Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica, 1992, 27(7):481-5

