Friday, January 8, 2010

Institute of Feng Shui & Geopathology:Werner Brandmaier

The Institute of Feng Shui & Geopathology integrates the Form School ( the study of the forms and flow of Qi), the Compass School and Advanced Flying Stars ( the calculation of beneficial directions and time aspects), as well as the Western tradition of Geopathology (the study of the influences of earthlines and underground watercourses on our health and well-being).

Our mission is to explain the basic principles of Feng Shui from an energetic perspective more than from that of a necessary believer. We use dowsing and AK (Applied Kinesiology - muscle testing) in our research and work, as well as a Quantum Biofeedback computer to detect Geopathic stress and to work on the energy of a house and the Health of it's residents.

We are located in Portland, Maine, and offer Feng Shui Consultations for businesses and residential clients all over New England. Special guidance for Real Estate questions complete our services.

As a Feng Shui Consultant with the technical background in electrical engineering, my personal interest is the clear demonstration of the effect of house and land energies on a person's subtle system and the introduction of new protective energetic devices.

The Media button leads to a series of articles titled "Colors of Feng Shui", which were originally published in New England's popular holistic magazine "Inner Tapestry". A wide variety includes topics such as "Feng Shui and Health", "The Bagua", "Clutter Clearing", "Space Clearing", "Feng Shui in the bedroom", "Feng Shui in the garden", "If a house doesn't sell" and many more. In addition to that, you might also want to read, what the press says about the Institute of Feng Shui.

Plus, we offer a number of unique Products from dowsing instruments and energy enhancers to Geopathic stress shields such as the Feng Shui Power Disc or the E-Smog Server to protect from the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) of cellphones and computers.

Our latest favorites (read article) are devices which enhance blueprint frequencies and information.
ZEROPOINT energy tools strengthen physical balance and endurance, re-vitalize water and food, deepen one's sleep, they even counterbalance emotional stress!

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