Friday, January 1, 2010

Germanium has shown no less than 'miraculous' results in fighting cancer

In Japan, germanium has been used to help treat cancer for the past 30 years. Yet it has only been recently that the exact mechanism by which it works to tackle cancer has been uncovered.

Researchers found that germanium reduces the spread of cancer by slowing down the process that causes cancer cells to multiply. At the same time, the researchers observed that germanium didn't interfere with normal, healthy cells, which were left alone to grow and carry out their functions as nature intended (Chun Hua Yen 2000, 36(4):263-266).

Two years ago, a case study confounded many scientists and other members of the medical profession. It involved a patient suffering from a very rare and highly malignant form of lung cancer, called spindle cell carcinoma. Even with radical surgery, combined with radiotherapy and chemotherapy, only a small percentage of patients with this condition live more than a couple of years.

This particular patient had shown no initial response to any of the conventional treatments, and decided to take germanium supplements as a last resort instead. Doctors were astounded to find that even after four years, X-rays showed that the patient was completely free of cancer and that the disease didn't return (Chest 2000, 117(2):591-593).

Germanium helps protect your body from harmful toxins
Although germanium enhances the action of oxygen in your cells, it also acts as an antioxidant. This means that it is able to reduce the extent of the damage caused by toxic by-products of oxygen metabolism that takes place in your body. So, in effect, it has a double action: both stimulating oxygen use for better health and reducing oxygen's harmful side-effects.

Scientists have also found that germanium helps protect the liver's DNA against toxic damage, in addition to increasing the levels of other beneficial antioxidants, such as one called superoxide dismutase ( J Toxicol Environ Health 1999, 58(5):289-297).

Other research findings have demonstrated that used alongside zinc, germanium has an even greater protective effect against free radical damage (Zhonghuan Yu Fang 1996, 30(4):221-224).

Germanium can even improve the performance of orthodox treatments
Germanium stimulates several components of your immune system. For example, it enhances the activity of macrophages and natural killer cells, both of which are responsible for attacking foreign bacteria and viruses.

It also stimulates the production of gamma interferon, a potent immune molecule (a lymphokine), which is nowadays used by some doctors to fight against severe immune conditions, such as AIDS. Gamma interferon modulates immune reactions particularly against viruses (Biother 1992, 4(1):1-8).

In studies involving patients suffering from immunological diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and myasthenia (progressive muscle weakness), it was found that germanium acts both as an immune system booster and as an antioxidant.

Conventional treatment of these diseases often involves the drug prednisolone (a steroid hormone). When germanium was given alongside this drug, it was found to significantly enhance the actions of prednisolone, making the combined treatment far more powerful and effective against these chronic medical conditions (Biother 1992,4(1):1-8).

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