Friday, January 1, 2010

Germanium: Is A Mineral Deficiency To Blame For Your Sleepless Nights And Lack Of Energy?

our body contains several 'trace minerals'which, despite being present in minute quantities as their name suggests, are indispensable not only for good health but also for your very existence.

Your body contains several 'trace minerals'which, despite being present in minute quantities as their name suggests, are indispensable not only for good health but also for your very existence.

A deficiency in any of these minerals can cause a wide range of symptoms, which would greatly compromise your overall well-being, such as fatigue, loss of energy, insomnia and an increased susceptibility to various infections.

One of the most important of these trace minerals is germanium. A mineral which is not only found in your body but is also present in ginseng, aloe vera, comfrey, and many foods - including garlic, shiitake mushrooms, green leafy vegetables, tuna and oysters.

One of the main functions of germanium is to increase the use of oxygen by your body's tissues, which stimulates your cells to produce energy (Zhonguan Yu Fang 1994,28(6):372-374).

This makes it an important immune system booster, protecting against debilitating immunological diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and lupus (inflammation of the skin, kidneys and liver). It has also produced some truly remarkable results in the treatment of cancer.

Once again, the medical profession jumped to conclusions and got it wrong
You may be wondering, considering the important functions germanium carries out in your body, why you haven't heard of it before now. This is mainly to do with the bad press germanium received several years ago, regarding reports of toxicity and liver damage following its use.

Yet what was not made clear, was that these reports came from people who were irresponsibly given doses that were 20 times the recommended dose for a period of three years without a break - which, in effect, caused them to experience serious overdoses.

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